Chapter 2

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I walked over to the cafeteria and it was HUGE!! Ive never seen something so big before.

I walk all over the campus and return to my dorm, with jack there. Only him.

"Hey look. I surprisingly couldn't stop thinking about you and your really beautiful and your smile is just so adorable." He says carrying on. "I was wondering if I could take you out to dinner sometime. I mean. I know its abit fast. But I am really starting to like you."

I stop and think with a smile on my face. "Sure we could plan something ." I say smiling towards him and he smiles back.

     "How about Friday? " he says and I nod.

  "perfect!" I say  "is there a time your gonna pick me up?" I ask just to make sure.

     "uhm how about 7?"

    "sounds good!" I say and he puts his hands to his side and smiles.

   "well I think I should be going. I'll text you? Here ill give you my number." Jack puts in his number in my phone and hands it back to me.

    "I'll call you." I say as he walks out the door and he replies with an "okay! Bye! "

     He seemed so nervous... I never had anyone look at me the way he does. It's incredible.

   I start to organize my things a bit more and I guess I worked to fast... I still had about 3 days till the greeting meeting in the auditorium.

I lay down and think again about what just happened with me and jack. I never realized how blue one persons eyes could be... And his hair is fantastic! It's just amazing.

***3 days later**

  After all that hard work for days, I look at the time and i have 3 minutes to get to the auditorium. I rush out of the dorm to get to the auditorium. Everyone is already seated and I spot Holly in there.

"Hey!!" She whispers. "Come over here!"

I walk over to where they are and I have to scoot past Zain to get on the other side of holly.

"Someone's a little late, Ya think?!" Zain says cockily and I just roll my eyes and ignore him.

   The auditorium was about how we should always be protected blah blah blah and how it's treated in that college.

  Finally. We are done. It's only 4:00pm and I have 3 hours left until jack picks me up.

I deside to take a shower and blow dry my hair and straighten it because my hair is mad curly.

I put on a make up and finish up with it by putting on mascara and eyeliner and eyeshadow with a touch of blush to go with my olive skin.

  I think tonight is gonna be wonderfull!!

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