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Never had I ever in the history of all my schooling been as excited for lunchtime as I was that day. I raced out of photography class alongside Adaline to get a good table in the cafeteria. Once we entered, we located a clean table next to the stage, and hurried to vacate it. I set my backpack under the table, sighing. Adaline looked at me, concerned about me. "What's wrong," She questioned "are you hungry?" I gave her a small smile and nod. She reached into her zebra backpack and pulled out a crumpled brown paper bag lunch. "Shaun" was written on the side in cute bubble letters. As Adaline slid the bag to me, I raised an eyebrow. Smirking, I teased,"You do care about me Adaline." Her eyes rolled, and suddenly her attention was focused on something behind me. I groaned, remembering Isabella's and my encounter this morning, thinking that she had come back for seconds. "Hey guys" a familiar and cheery voice cooed," you got us a really good seat!" I turned and saw my other best friend, Gennifer Perez. Her hazel green eyes twinkled with delight as she sat next to Adeline. I grinned and took a big bite out of my sandwich. Gennifer came to Forbesdale the same year I did, except she was from Sarento. She was an inch shorter than Adaline and had blue braces, partnered with her long dirty blonde hair. Isabella and her vicious clique had tried to make Gennifer one of them, but Adaline snatched her before they could turn Gennifer. It was the same with me, and I'm glad that Adeline did what she did. Now the three of us were our own little clique; a trio of best friends! Gennifer smacked the table, kicking me out of my daze and back to reality. She whisper shouted, "Isabella invited me to her party tonight!" Adaline shrugged and scarffed down a Bagel Bite. I felt concerned about her, did she really care about that dumb party? I patted both of my friends' hands, "It's just a dumb party with dumb people. Maybe you guys can come to the mall with Korben and I tonight?" They both lit you at this and nodded excitedly. Korben had a huge crush on Gennifer, and loved hanging out with her. He could go on and on, raving about her beautiful hair and eyes for hours every day. Korben also knew about my humongous crush on Adeline, and urged me to just ask her out already. I always have to remind him that I HAVE SEVERAL TIMES, she just tells me to keep trying. And like the lovesick puppy I am, I continue my pursuit for Adaline's heart. Is it sad that my five year old little brother is my wing man? I hope not. Gennifer, Adaline, and I chatted more about tonight's plans, until we were interrupted by a basketball crashing onto our table. It bounced up and hit my lunch, then SMACKED Adaline. A snotty and deep laugh bellowed from behind her, and rage filled me as I stared into the smug face of Theodore Cardova.

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