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I raced to Middleton Middle feeling reckless and care free. I could just run away, and live my own life, without having any worries. When I reached the steps, I felt guilty for having such selfish thoughts. If I was gone, who would take care of Korben? Looking around, I noticed barely anyone was outside, and I sighed. Late on the first day? I knelt down to tie my shoes and was alerted to the sound of footsteps. It was probably Principal Pinesley, here to lecture me about being tardy on the first day. I rose slowly, and instead of meeting eyes with the chubby principal, I met eyes with the most beautiful girl in the world. Adaline Berklin was frowning, and had her arms crossed. Her wavy dark brown hair had new golden streaks, and she was wearing blue skinny jeans, a black sweater, and black and white converse. Adaline's blue eyes were soft, and her voice like silk. Even when she jokingly pointed out, "Shaun, your eyes are like light pink. " I dreamily smiled and replied,"You know exactly why they're like that Adaline." She rolled her eyes,"Dude, we'd better hurry if we're not gonna be late." I nodded, and she pulled me through the front doors and into the chaos of the main hall. Adaline started walking to her first period class while towing me and ordering me to pull out my schedule. I was in Algebra in the room right across from hers, Geometry. Other then that, we had all the same classes together. After dropping me off at the door of my classroom, Adaline walked to hers and yelled,"Good luck Shaun!" then went in and shut the door behind her. I smiled, that girl was awesome. I slowly opened the door to my own classroom. Everyone was just sitting around talking with their friends or on their phones. I pulled my hood over my head and walked quietly to the back of the class. Thinking about Korben, I took out my wallet from my pocket and laid all the cash out on the table and counted it. Altogether, I had $72.45. Happiness filled me, and I imagined the look on Korben's face when I picked him up after school today and told him that he could get something special from the mall. No sooner did I finish putting my money back, I felt someone hovering over me. Just the glittering hot pink talons of Isabella Johnson's long fake tanned arms made me feel irked. I looked up to see her smirking coyly down at me. Her too-small hot pink shirt made her fake tan skin glow. Except for it wasn't the type of glow that comforted a person, like that of a night light in the pitch black dark. No, her glow was more like the last stubborn ember of a fire that refused to go out. Isabella was leaning on my desk, making it stand up a little. I felt uncomfortable, and slid back in my seat. She wore way too much makeup, and craved the attention of others like a fat kid in camp craving a Twinkie. In this scenario, sadly I'm that Twinkie. "Hey there Shaun," she said with false enthusiasm, "I was wondering if you'd like to come to a party tonight with me and my girls?" I swallowed,"No thanks Isabella, I already have plans." I slowly said, enunciating every syllable so that she would get the hint. But, of course she persisted,"Oh Shaun, my parents won't be there." Then she flipped her mane-like hair and grinned evilly. "Besides, can't that Adaline dork let you go? Geez it's not like you even like her, so why does she even bother trying?" As she cackled like a hyena, all I saw was red. I was mad, and ready to tell Isabella off. Right when I was going to, the teacher walked in and told everyone to take their seats. Isabella blew me a kiss and started to sashay down the aisle. I left one headphone in my ear and sank low in my seat. Today was going to be a long day.

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