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Adaline, Gennifer and I compared schedules. All three of our 5th and 6th periods had NPTA instead of a teacher's name, and instead of a normal classroom it said "Portable 2". Gennifer and I were confused, while Adaline just smiled and told us to follow her. I smiled, "Adaline, I bet you're just as lost as us!" She turned and slugged me hard on the arm. Ouch, I thought, that girl can punch. Gennifer smiled at us, she ships us so hard. As we neared the portable, my heart began to sink. Isabella's hairy arm was snaked around the evil Tbeodore's little neck as he spun his basketball on his finger. His jaws were flapping, probably another dumb basketball story. Adaline froze in front of me and all eyes appeared to be on her. Isabella and Theodore looked disgusted, and everyone else either looked confused, annoyed, or uninterested. Gennifer looked determined and grabbed Adaline's hand. I walked to the front of them, and put on a scowl. The three of us went to our own little space to talk while we waited for our teacher. I gave Theodore a brief death stare before comforting Adaline. "So what if we have a class with those two," I said while Gennifer hugged her,"they're just a bunch of snooty nobodies who waste their time hating on others." Adaline smiled briefly, which made the butterflies in my stomach soar. I hear a woman grumbling and looked behind me, a young woman with frizzled black hair and piercing green eyes was fiddling with a scarf around her neck and with one hand and holding a tan leather bookbag in the other. I would have helped her, but her eyes looked so unwelcoming that I decided it would just be best to keep my distance. She had dark leathery skin and was dressed in loose light tan pants and a peacock print blouse. Isabella giggled evilly and declared, "That woman is dressed worse than Poof Hair Ham!" Everyone laughed and I gave poor Jessica Ham a silent apology. Her poofy hair, obsession with Let it Go and Monster High made her the target of all bullies. Gennifer rolled her eyes and played with Adaline's hair. Theodore bounced his ball on the concrete while he adjusted his backpack, chuckling. The woman was struggling to open the portable door, so I eased my way to the front and grabbed the keys. "Excuse me," she growled, "what do you think you're doing?" Geez, I thought, her rudeness is almost as annoying as Isabella's. Her Indian accent was thick, almost as thick as the few hairs above her upper lip. Yeesh. I gave her a glare,"I was helping you open the door, ma'am. You know, what polite people do?" The woman rolled her eyes,"My name is not ma'am," she spat,"it is Ms.Icabaad." The door opened, and since this woman was clearly not the kind-hearted type, I took the keys with me as I entered the dark classroom and took a seat in the far back. Ms.Icabaad rushed in after me, demanding me to give back her precious keys. I had rolled them to the desk next to mine right when I sat down, which Adaline was conveniently in. I decided to have some fun with this sub. I nudged my head twice to the left, meaning to tell Adaline to pass it on to the left. Her wide brown eyes twinkled as she gave me an evil grin. Ms.Icabaad was frustrated which made this all the more fun . I batted my eyelashes at her and pouted innocently,"Ms.Iccabood, I haven't the faintest idea what keys you're talking about." Her face turned red as she yelled,"My name is Iccabaad not Iccabood you wretched adolescent!" Everyone in the class laughed, including Isabella and her clique. All except Theodore, who tried to look interested in his basketball. The door swung open, where an annoyed Principal Pinsley stood. After smoothing out his tie and straightening his tie, he waddled to the front of the class. Ms.Iccabaad grinned and strode to his side, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes and look over at Adaline. She was writing in a journal and trying hard to hide a smile. Principal Pinesley cleared his throat, and the class quieted down. "What seems to be the problem here Ms aah," he said. "Iccabaad," she said flirtatiously,"but you can call me Priscilla, Mr.Pinesley." He looked uncomfortable, which made me laugh like a buffoon. Both adults eyes were on me now, and Principal Pinesley called me to the front of the class. I shrugged, and walked nonchalantly up to him. Obviously, he was trying to embarrass me in front of the whole class. PSH, not today baldy. He looked me over and tried to sound bored,"Ah, Mr.Hobo, why don't you tell me what happened here?" Isabella and her clique snickered. So the old man thinks he can beat the player at his own game? Think again, buck. I went into his face, "My name is Shaun Jacobo." He backed away, bumping into the white board. I smiled and headed over to Ms.Iccabaad's desk. "You see, Principal. Ms.Iccaabaad here was freaking out about her keys. She thought that I had stolen them, but really" I picked up the keys that were sitting on her desk,"they were right here all along!" The look on Ms.Iccabaad's face was priceless. It was a mix of embarrassment and furiousity. I smiled and looked over at my classmates. They all seemed to be entertained (except for Theodore, who looked jealous beyond belief.) Adaline was looking at me dreamily, Isabella blew me a kiss, and Gennifer threw balls of paper at her head. After the whole key fiasco, there was only half an hour of class left. Principal Pinesley, to Ms.Iccabaad's apparent dismay, left muttering my name and shaking his head. Popularity was easy to gain in this class, but as long as I was popular to my best friends, no one else mattered.

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