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1 5 4 Y E A R S E A R L I E R .....


I WAS IN MY OFFICE WORKING ON some paperwork that needed to be given in soon, meaning that I had to miss dinner again for the fifth time this week.

Everyone, especially Rhys and Azriel were worried about me. They both even offered to help me finish all the paperwork but I declined, saying that I'll be fine finishing it on my own.

As I'm about to finish the last paper for the night, Rhys and Azriel burst through the door of my office.

Papers flew all over the room. I shot them a confused look but all they did was grin. Now I was scared.

Like really scared.

When ever they had looks like that, it usually meant two things; one was we have a suprise for you. Two would be we're up to no good.

"Cass, how about we go out?" Az suggested, crossing his arms and leaned against the door frame.

"Sounds like a good plan but I still have to finish the last of the paperwork" I said and went back to work.

"Cassian, you need to get out of this office " Rhys said, using my full name.
Which usually meant business and not the good kind.

"I was out of the office today" I defended, stopping to write and look at my brothers.

"Cass, you only ever left your office to train " Azriel exposed, making me pout in protest.

"Okay, you need to leave this office" Rhys said and I rolled my eyes. "I told you, I can't " I explained again, returning back to my paperwork.

A glint of mischief shone in Rhys eyes before his lips pulled into a playful smirk. "As your High Lord, I order you to leave this office and go with your brothers to Rita's for a few drinks" Rhysand smirked triumphantly as I sighed in defeat.

Well he most definitely went there.


Sitting in a booth with both my brothers felt nice. The music played ever so softly, creating a good atmosphere in the restaurant.

We all ordered food and talked about our love life. Well just me and Rhys because Azriel didn't, unfortunately have a mate. Though something tells me that he's content with it.

"Whats going on between you and Nesta? I haven't seen you guys spoken in a while" Azriel asked, taking a sip of the drink he ordered.

"Well, me and her got into a fight" I said, chunking down a bottle of wine. Rhys looked at me sympathetically, indicating me to go on. "Where do I start?" I questioned no one in particular. I chuckled bitterly before starting my story off, "Nesta and I were just talking about having a kid but for some reason, she got all defensive and started to go all off on me" I paused and took another chunk of wine, this time longer.

"We then got into a really bad arguement, which resulted her to leave and say that it was 'Valkyrie business' " I air quoted the words before drinking more of my wine.

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