c h a p t e r 2

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I WAS GREETED BY THE SOUND of light piano when I re entered the ballroom. I was making my way around the ballroom alone, seeing that the boys were too busy either eating or looking for a girl to talk to.

People that came up to me wanted an autograph either on paper or somewhere on their body. Weird but it is what is.

I eventually sat down at the bar and ordered some red wine. I traced invisible stars on the bar table while waiting for my drink to come. "Here you go" the young High Fae bar tender said, breaking me out of my trance of drawing the non existent. I looked up at him and smiled at him, "Thanks" I say, taking the glass from him.

"No problem" He grinned before waking over to his other customers. I sat in silence, sipping my drink.

It was nice for a bit. To be quiet and not be around people for a while.

"LIS!!" I heard someone call from behind me.

I sighed. Knowing who that voice belonged to. "LIS, THANK GOD I FOUND YOU" Helios ran up to me and gave me a tight hug. I chuckled hugging him back tighter.

My little brother, Helios Archeron. Yes, half brother but brother all the same. "You were incredible up there, by the way" He said, still hugging me.

"Thanks, Lio" I broke the hug, booping his nose. He gave me a look that clearly said that he's not child anymore.

"Kalista!" I heard a choir of voices call out my name.

Feyre, Mor, Nesta and Gwyn came to greet me. They all pulled me into a hug and quite literally sucked out all the air out of my body.

"We missed you so much, little star" Mor said, sighing in content as my aunts still caged me in whats suppose to be a hug. I looked over to Helios, mouthing "help me" but he smirked and slithered away somewhere.

Illyrian asshole.

Eventually(and quite thankfully) they freed me from the hug and started to pepper kisses all over my face. Aunt Feyre, more specifically.

They then sat me down and asked me about my travels around the courts and shows that I performed.

"You know, Athena said that she went to one of the shows in the Day Court" Gwyn said, looking at me with amusement.

I froze.

I looked at my red headed aunt wide eyed and chuckled nervously.

"Really...what did she say?" I asked, looking at her with hope that she won't reveal anything to the rest of my aunts, more specifically Nesta because she'll tell my dad and then my dad tell uncle Rhys and then uncle Rhys will tell uncle Az, who by the way doesn't enjoy when I perform in revealing clothes or do performances that are...well, more intense than tonight.

"Nothing much" She grinned slyly and took a sip of her vodka. I glared at her for making me panic.

"Anyway, guys don't drink too much tonight remember there is a still celebration at Ritas for Kallys return" Aunt Feyre said, smiling at me.

"And a karaoke, let's not forget" Aunt Nes said, smirking in delight as she chunked down the last bit of her wine. "It seems I need a refill " Nesta said, standing up. "See you at Rita's, green" Nesta said, kissing my forehead and running off the bar. Mor and Gwyn soon followed, leaving me and Feyre.

"So, how is Nyx?" I asked, knowing full well he's not here tonight. "Well, he's busy doing work for the Court at the moment " Feyre sighed sadly. "He said that he'll be at Rita's when we arrive, so you guys can catch up then" She assured me. I nodded and she stood up to leave. I told her that I'll see her and she nodded leaving.

I sighed, finally feelimg a little lighter with less people around me. As much as I love talking to people, I love being alone as well.

I sat for a bit, looking at the people around me walking by but one caught my eye in particular.

It was a man.

A very attractive man.

He wore expensive red attire that was embroided with gold and onyx black trousers. His hair was the colour of fire, same kind that burned in his amber eyes that could be seen easily from a distance. His strong jaw matched his features well and blended in nicely with his pale skin.

I sat there and couldn't help but admire this beautiful man.

It was obvious that he was from the Autumn court.

All of a sudden, a tune hummed loudly in my head. It was like it wanted to be released.

And then I knew I had to find the boys.

I grinned internally at this news. I immediately jumped out of my seat but in doing so, I caught the eyes of the male who gave me this sudden rush of inspiration.

We locked eyes and for some reason, I couldn't help but stop to look. My breathe caught in my throat and my knees became weak at the power of this mans gaze.

I looked away quickly and rushed to find my band members.

I stalked through the crowd of people, hoping that he maybe wouldn't follow me.

I caught sight of my band members. My friends. My brothers. My 4lifers.

I walked over to them, smiling. Not at the sight of them but the memory of the man whose name I have yet to know eyes that held such passion and warmth.

And how I wanted to look into those eyes again.



It has been almost forever since I last posted a chapter and does it feel good to be back in business. Anyway hope you guys enjoyed the chapter.

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                    With lotsof love,


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