c h a p t e r 3

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WHEN I FIND A GUY ATTRACTIVE, I don't make the first move.


Not because I'm shy or anything but I'd much rather have them do it.

Why do you ask?

Because I don't chase I attract.


And in order to attract anyone, you need to have the mindset of everyone loves you and obssessed with you.

And from the looks of it, it works like a damn charm. I mean look at all these fae men looking at now while I'm sitting alone on a seat at Rita's, drinking my red wine.

Loegin, Tiyrone, Mikael and Aeron were busy setting up the stage to play tonight for the people of Velaris.

"I've never seen you here before" I broke my gaze away from my band mates and focused them on an unfamiliar fae make who looks like he wants to eat me, just like he ate another not long ago before he came here. The scent burned strong through the glamour he was hiding, came into my nose.

How is that possible, may you ask?

Maybe because my mother is one of the most powerful and beautiful goddesses there was ever to exist.

I still question how my dad pulled my mom, I swear.

"I'm always around" I replied carefully not giving to much away about myself.

My focus then turned back to my band mates who were busy arguing over something stupid, seeing that Loegin was laughing.

I smiled a bit, taking a sip of my wine.
They really looked amusing arguing with each other.

"Let me buy you a drink" I looked beside me to see the male scum is still here. I internally roll my eyes at the fool. I brought my gaze back to the entertaining sight of my band mates that were far from done for setting up for the show tonight.

"No thanks" I said, my eyes locked on the scene of them still arguing over who knows what.

"Oh come on, I'm a nice guy" He said, flashing his teeth enough.

"Nope" I said, finishing my wine and jumping up from my seat.

"At least tell me your name" He said, grabbing my wrist so I wouldn't leave.

Talk about desperate.

"I don't see the point"

"Why not?"

"You won't have the pleasure of screaming it"

I loosened the grip of his hold but before I could he tightened it.

"Look, I've been nice all evening with you-"

"Technically, its been 38 minutes" I corrected. If he wanted to be an ass, he could be a smart ass at least.

"Look, I don't have time for your games" He glared at me. "Just give me what I want" He demanded.

The. Little. Shit.

"Okay first of all" I began, "You don't fucking tell me what to do, okay? Last time I checked, I refused you. Twice. Twice and you still didn't leave me alone" I pulled my wrist out of his hold and poked his chest hard while glaring up at him.

"Second before you come back from having sex with someone that isn't your goddamn mate and still coming to Rita's to look for more pussy, learn how to put a fucking glamour on properly, you asshole" He cowered at every step I was taking towards him.

"Third, you're not even that attractive. You're not even average. You make the Suriel look more attractive when you're next to him. People only sleep with you because you they feel sorry for you and your dick size" I spat, making sure every word hit like an ash arrow.

"And fourth, don't you dare try this shit with me or anyone else again, got that asshole?" I asked, he nodded frantically.

"Good, now leave" I hissed and he ran out of the entrance.

Serves him right. Think he can play me.

Tsk. The fool.

"Well, that's for sure my best friend"
I turned around and saw the person I really missed and wanted to see for the whole night.

"Nyx!" I squealed. Loudly. Loud enough that the whole bar could hear me.

I basically pounced the poor Prince of The Night Court and gave him the longest hug ever.

He hugged me back, laughing at the way I was going on. "Lis, its been three months" He said, breaking the hug but I didn't allow it, I hugged him even tighter.

"Exactly its been too long" I said, still hugging him as tight as I could.

I broke the hug and stared into his blue eyes. We both held eye contact and stood there for a little while.

He looked at me like he wanted to kiss me and devour me right on this spot.
I mean I don't blame him, I am the definition of ethereal beauty.

The thing is Nyx is handsome and totally gorgeous don't get me wrong but he's like my annoying older brother, meaning that I don't think I would ever date him.

He, on the other hand, don't know that I know he's in love with me and seriously likes it when I give him long ass hugs.

"Kal, get your ass on stage!" I heard Mikael call me from the stage and I nodded at him.

"I have to go but hopefully after a few drinks we can catch up?" I suggested hoping that he would agree.

"Of course, Lissy" He smiled and kissed my cheek before going to find the family.

I felt my cheeks heat up as I touched the exact spot he kissed.

Kalista Araseli, he is just a friend and nothing more, I mentally scolded myself for blushing in the first place.

You 're an independent, successful, powerful ,badass, talented queen who don't need a man, I mentally chanted as I made my way onto the stage to perform for the people of Velaris.

I nodded at Tiyrone, to play the first set of keys.

"This song was made under heavy conditions but I hope you like it" I said, letting the music fill the air and harmonise before singing.

Some days
Things just take
Way too much of my energy
I look up and the whole world spinning
You take, my cares away...


Hi guys!!
Sorry for not posting in a while
I was super busy with school, issues and making a new book as speak👀.

Hope you enjoyed the book!!

Love, 4everboooks583

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2023 ⏰

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