Chapter 1 - Greetings Family

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Westeros | Crownlands | Kingslanding | Red Keep

In the Red Keep, Queen Cersei Lannister, Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, lay on the birthing bed. With her long Golden Haired mane sprawled all around her. Surrounded by maesters and midwifes, she received the utmost attention, all awaiting the Crown Prince, the future of the Seven Kingdoms.

It had been two years since the fall of the dragons, the end of the Targaryen Dynasty, or so it had seemed. The previous Queen, Rhaella, had sought refuge on Dragonstone alongside her son Prince Viserys, where she had birthed a Princess called Danaerys. And the children escaped on a ship, for Essos.

With the birth of an heir, the kingdoms would be at ease. They would have assurance that the Baratheon Dynasty would continue. Robert Baratheon had assended the throne due to his blood relation to Rhaelle Targaryen, daughter of Aegon V Targaryen.

Growing up, her father had always told her that he would make her queen. She believed him, all the young maidens believed, and like her, they're all loved the Silver Prince, Prince Rhaegar. A former infatuation was much to be desired. Her brother was supposed to be Kingsguard, she would be Queen, her father hand. House Lannister would be at the pinnacle of power.

Yet, when the Dornish whore Elia Martell was made to be his betrothed, she had broken down in tears in front of her father. She a Lannister Lion would not be made Queen. She had been in distress for a while, at least she still had Jaime, her beloved twin, her sweet Jaime.

Then he blew it for a Winter whore, a Stark the worse kind. Northern trash. There was a chance her chance. When Roberts Rebellion unfolded it had shook the continent and rallied all those who and a grudge towards House Targaryen. Her father did nothing and laiwaited to see which army would come victorious. With the STAB Alliance against the Tyrells and the Dornish Army it was easy to see who would win.

The Battle of the Trident ended with one victor, Robert Baratheon, then her father strolled in, the ever patient lion and delivered the Red Keep for the Baratheon army. With the death's of King Aerys 'The Mad' by her twin brother Jaime a Kingsguard at the time. And the deaths of Elia Martell, and her dragonspawn children as Robert likes to call them. By her father and for the stability of the realm, she was then wedded to Robert Baratheon.

She grew to love the idea of being his Queen and with the death of Lyanna Stark, it was all but assured.

Her hopes of being Roberts Queen however were swiftly crushed. During the bedding as Robert mounted her almost painfully during the midst he moaned "Lyanna, Lyanna" the scent of wine lingered around his body and wine clinged to his overgrown beard. Lyanna Stark would forever be the Queen of his heart. She swallowed that pill bitterly. She had sex with Jaime the following morning.

She had laid with him a couple more times, praying she caught not with his child. But when she did a year back, she was happy, perhaps he could change, he had shown interest at first, but when he was born he was sickly, confined to his crib. A boy, with Jet Black Hair and Sapphire Blue eyes, her boy. He had died within the week and she wept as Robert smashed the wall with his fists and did whatever men did.

It was Jaime who had comforted her, not Robert or her father. And from then Robert whored and she slept with Jaime and the times when Robert would stumble in drunkely she'd imagine he was Rhaegar or finish him off other waves until he passed out.

Now, in the last stage of her laboring, she prayed, not something she did often, but now, she prayed this child would be Jaime's.

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