1 - Caller ID

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A/N: this was edited 12/13/22

Hinata's POV
I heard a faint beeping noise from the corner of my night stand. I squeezed my eyes shut as I tried to turn over in my cloud like bed. The blanket on top of me was fuzzy and blue. It was very comforting as I held it more over my freckled face. I was trying to block out the pale light that was shining brightly from outside my brown wooden framed window.

It's too fucking early for this.

I reluctantly rolled out of bed as I heard my mother call for me and my younger sister. I stumbled over to my short maple dresser and hazily grabbed my school uniform. I messily threw it on and slung my bag lazily over my shoulder as I strolled down the wooden staircase. I rubbed my eyes open and closed trying to wake myself up and yawned deeply.

I saw a rush of orange flood by me, I acknowledged it as my baby sister. How does she have that much energy at this hour of the morning? It was barely passed seven am.

When I reached the bottom of the staircase, I headed for the tiled kitchen. My bare feet were soon met with the cold floor below me. I sat down at the dark wooden table and my head practically fell on its own.

This was a poor decision on my part. I lifted my head up and rubbed my forehead.

"Shoyo?" I looked over at my sister. "What's up?" I mumbled out, still in a morning haze.

"You aren't very smart." At this comment I heard my mother start cracking up from the kitchen. I just playfully rolled my eyes at her remark.

"You know, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree dear mother." My sister took a sip of her milk. My mom shot her a look of betrayal with her mouth standing agape. I tried to hold back my own laughter but practically escaped my mouth on its own.

Reminder: Don't get on her bad side.

I finished eating my buttery pancakes and walked over to the sink. I rinsed off my syrupy plate and it set it down. I washed my hands and then I dried them off with the yellow polka dot towel placed delicately next to the silver sink that was a shiny metal.

I ran over to the front room that was meticulously decorated with family photographs and slid on my shoes and unlocked the front door.

"Bye mom, Bye Natsu, love you both!" I yelled as I ran out the door, not giving them time to respond.

I grabbed my red bike from out front and started my way to school.

When I arrived at the building I quickly put my bike on the rack and locked it up. I headed toward the Karasuno volleyball club room to change for morning practice.

Once I finished I was on my way to the gym. Then I felt my body collide with something; more like somebody. I looked up from the ground to see none other than Kageyama. Great, exactly how I wanted to start my morning.

"Watch where you're going pipsqueak." Kageyama stated with an eye roll at my clumsiness. I scoffed at his insult as I returned the eye roll.

"Whatever Bakayama." I simply replied while carefully standing up from where I had fallen to the rough grey pavement. As I begun to walk away, I felt a calloused hand placed roughly on my slim wrist. I stopped in my tracks at the pull of resistance and spun around.

Soon enough I was facing Kageyama as he held my wrist; I stared blankly into his midnight shaded eyes as his bangs delicately hung in front of them. Draping carefully down his forehead.

"Oh come on- just let go of me!" I said whilst trying to free myself from his crippling grasp. He simply only rolled his deep blue eyes at my intense struggle.

The Pain We Carry - KageHina (Hinata Angst)Where stories live. Discover now