7 - fine

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Hinata POV
I wake up to the sound of banging on the door of the room my sister and I are currently in. She shoots up awake and wraps her small hands tightly around my arm as I position her behind me and stand up. The door is soon kicked down and a strange man enters the room. My sister starts crying as I try to remain steady. The man approaches us and I get ready to throw a punch even though he towers over me by at least a foot.

I kick the man in the crotch when he tries to grab my sister and I pick her up and run out of the room and out of the house. I grab my bike and peddle away as fast as I can, not even paying attention to where I'm going. I don't have school today so I have nowhere to go to hide from my father or this new man.

My sister and I end up at a far away park and sit down on a bench. She holds my arm tightly as she cries into my shirt and I hold her gently. I try to think of a solution but nothing comes to mind at the moment. I'm terrified and I haven't eaten or really slept in days so I'm running purely off adrenaline. The park is relatively empty considering it's five o'clock in the morning, the sun isn't even out yet. I look at across the dewy green grass as the sun starts to rise in the distance. I take a deep breath and close my eyes, trying to regain composure.

I hold my sister in my arms and try to ignore the looks of passerby's. I get constant pity looks but not one person stops to ask if we need help. We're probably better off on our own to be honest, cops in this area don't really give a damn. I let out a heavy sigh as the tears on my face begin to dry slightly.

"Big brother?" A shaky voice calls out from my arms. I look down at my tearful sister and the sight alone breaks my heart. She's too young to be going through any of this, she deserves a happy childhood.

"Yes Natsu." I say softly as she sniffles. Her freckled face heavily ridden with sadness. Her golden orange hair flows in the early morning breeze.

"I-I...um..." She begins to mumble out as she fidgets with her little fingers. Her pale skin reflects that of a child that's never been in the sun.

"I'm hungry." She finally says. She looks down at the ground with more tears in her eyes as her body begins shake slightly from the cold wind. I rest my hand on her shoulder and gently rub it as I kiss her forehead. I don't think I have food and I know neither of us have eaten recently, more so her. I rack my brain for a response for the child in front of me who seems to be wilting away.

"It's okay, we'll get you something Nat." I say reassuringly. I then remember something I keep in my backpack and I smile to her and she looks a little hopeful. I pull out a candy bar from my backpack and her teary eyes light up. I open it and hand it to her as she stares at it. She then frowns and looks back at me with a disappointed face.

"W-What a-about you?" She asks in a scared voice. I wipe the tears off her face and smile at her once again.

"I'll be fine, I'm not even that hungry to be honest." I lie to her. She didn't seem to buy it so she broke the candy bar in half and gave it to me. I stared at the chocolate candy bar covered in radiantly colored sprinkles and delectable frosting. I looked away as my mouth began to water and my stomach growled.

"Share." She said as she tried to smile up at me. I smiled at her as we both ate our halves of the candy bar in silence. My stomach ached from lack of food but it hurt a little less even though there was nothing nutritional about what I just consumed. The wind blew autumn leaves past our bench as I stared at the sky with a pleading face.

If there is a god, I pray to them for help.

It was then that I saw a familiar face from down the sidewalk.

Oh shit

I forgot that 'king' comes here for his runs every morning. Maybe he won't see us? To what I thought was my luck he passed us.

The Pain We Carry - KageHina (Hinata Angst)Where stories live. Discover now