5 - Reality

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Hinata POV
When I walk into the dimly lit room, I'm greeted by none other than my 'father.' I grimace as I hold my sister behind me out of view. My principle motions for me to sit down in the chair next to my father but I remain standing as awkward silence roams around the room.

The office is small and has one lamp crookedly placed on the desk which is the only source of light due to the lack of windows. There's bookshelves on the entire wall behind the principle and awards and certifications on the other three walls.

My sister squeezes my hand tightly as she closed her eyes and hid behind me. The principle is the first one to break the silence.

"So, Hinata, your father is here to pick you up." My principle explained to me. I felt a shiver run down my spine as the room suddenly felt cold. I held my sisters hand tight as I gulp nervously.

"Um-um...sir?" I stuttered out. He nodded at me to continue but before I could my father dragged me out of the room. I tried everything to get out of his grasp and all my little sister could do is run behind me crying, begging him to drop me. We were both soon forcefully put into a car that reeked of booze and cigar smoke.

Natsu was practically shaking as she held my hand tightly. Tears streamed down both of our faces as my dad started the car and began the drive to his house. But before we pulled out, I caught a glimpse of a certain raven-haired volleyball player from a classroom window who looked at me in confusion and...concern?

When we actually arrived at the house, he pulled into the driveway and I opened the car door and held my little sister tightly. He opened and slammed the door, leaving us alone in the garage. It smelled like gasoline and burnt popcorn as Natsu let out quiet sobs into my chest. Her little arms are wrapped around my waist as she clutches my yellow shirt and tries to keep her volume as quiet as possible.

Suddenly, I hear my phone ringing so I quickly pull it out of my pocket. I notice the caller ID immediately, it's the hospital. I click accept and bring the phone to my ear impatiently.

"Hello, Mr. Hinata?" A woman called from the other side of the phone.

"...yes?" I said quietly, filled with anxiousness.

"I am calling to update you on your mothers condition, is now a good time?" She said softly and I nodded, forgetting she can't see me.

"Yes, please tell me, how is she? Is she ok? Will she be ok?" I rapidly spit fire questions as I try to calm down my sobbing little sister and keep my own tears to a minimum.

"I'm sorry sir but, it seems she has too many burns to sustain herself. Her skin is charred, she won't be waking up. I'm sorry." With one phone call my entire world was destroyed.

No, it couldn't be. My mom can't be gone. What am I supposed to do. I look into the eyes of my sister who was listening to the phone call as well. She stares at me with dark eyes and her lip quivers as she processes the information. I kneel down and hug her as tightly as possible as we both continue streams of tears at a more constant rate.

"Shut your damn mouths you useless children." My father yelled from inside the house as my sister flinched at the noise. I held her in my arms as she shook violently in my lap. My shirt was soaked in my sisters and my own tears as we wept for hours at the death of our mother, our only family.

I then feel my phone vibrate again but I ignore it, I can't speak to anyone, not now. I then realize school has ended by now and practice has started. I groan as I feel my phone start to ring again, silently thank god. I hesitantly answer the phone and try not to disturb my broken-hearted sister.

"Hello?" I say quietly.

"Hinata, I heard you got pulled out of school today, are you okay?" Suga asks worriedly. I silently smile to myself at my friend's concern but it quickly fades.

"Y-Yeah, sorry. I just don't feel well today." I lie once again to my teammate. He seems to understand me but keeps pushing.

"Hinata, you sound like you've been crying." He says more quietly this time, keeping anyone else from hearing. I gulp as I frown. What am I supposed to say to that.

Suga POV
I wait patiently for Hinata to answer me but the more time passes the more worried I become. I then hear a voice call from the other line that doesn't belong to my teammate.

"IF YOU DON'T HANG UP RIGHT NOW I SWEAR I'LL-" And then it cuts off. I pulled my phone away from my ear at the loud noise. I don't know much about Hinata's home life but I know he lives with only his mom and sister and that was a man's voice. Who was that?

"Suga? What was that about?" Daichi asks me as I realize most of the team is now looking at me.

"I have no idea." I say honestly.

"What did Hinata say?" Kageyama says as he walks up to me.

"He said he felt sick, why?" I asked.

"He had his sister at school today and he was acting weird." Kageyama said with an annoyed voice as I tried to understand the situation.

Hinata POV
"B-Brother...I'm scared." My sister whimpered out quietly. I nodded softly as I kissed her forehead. Her lip is quivering and tears are heavily flowing down both our faces.

Suddenly, the door from the house bursts open revealing our father. My sister starts shaking as I hold her tightly against my chest. I stand up and try to shield my sister away from the man in front of me.

"It's time for you to make a decision."

1036 words

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