"now that...was close"

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"you are pregnant" his eyes widen as corbyn's jaw drops "sorry can you repeat that?" he sits up "you're pregnant" he blinks "maybe you mixed up the test or something i'm a boy"

she puts on some gloves and grabs the cup "pink means pregnant" she dips the test in and it turns pink.

"we are going to give you and ultrasound and see how far along you are okay? so just relax lift your shirt for me"

he does as he's told "this'll be cold" she says squeezing some gel onto his stomach. she picks up the wand and moves it around she points to the screen "this is a uterus which i'm guessing you didn't know you had" he shakes his head "and this little blob right here is your baby"

she prints the pictures and hands them to the boy "i'll be back with some papers for you"

"corbs..corbyn..babe- corbyn please" "you're preg- you're pregnant"

a tear slips down daniels face 'does he not want it?' "we're having a baby...oh my god we're having a baby! i'm gonna be a dad!"

daniel giggles "the best dad ever"

"oh my gosh baby..there's a baby in there" "mhm"

"here you go, this has everything you need to know about your pregnancy, i'll be your doctor if by any chance i cant be here dr.dallas will be there you'll meet her on your next visit which will be in a month or two okay have a nice day and congratulations" she smiles.

"thank you"

as soon as they are outside of the building corbyn jumps around with a big smile "i'm gonna be a dad! yeahhhhh"

daniel records him with a smile. he makes sure the video has no sound before posting it. 'well someone's excited'

"can we get food now" corbyn nods.

"i cant stop smiling we're gonna have a freakin baby"

daniel laughs at his excitement.

"now it's time for chipotle" "yay!"

"we should go to target" "why?" "so we can make baskets a surprise our friends and family duh" corbyn laughs "off to target we go"

"we can actually buy anything here though because people might see us so we add it to the online cart and have it delivered in two hours"

"you're so smart baby" he saying kissing the boys cheek "i know"

"okay you stay here and wait for the packages i'm going to pick up some dinner" "okay i love you" "i love you too" he pecks his lips and walks out the door.

"hey corbs"

"hey jack you ready?" "uhm yes! i love surprising dani it's so fun" corbyn chuckles.

"that one" "really i was thinking that one over there" jack looks to where the boy is pointing "oh. my. god. that's the one"

incoming call from dani🤍

hey baby whats up

okay so everything just got here and i wanted to know if you wanted to do it today since it's movie night and the boys are coming over?

i mean do you want to


whatever you want baby

okay see you when you get home

i'm on my way i love you

i love you too

"now that..was close"

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