Chapter 36: Sing Ramble and Bramble and Tangle

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"What can you see?


"Then how do you know where to go?"

"Who said I did?

"You told the big man with the axe you knew these pipes like the bishop knew his thumb."

"No, it was 'like the favorite whore knew the bishop's thumb'."

"Why should she know his thumb, particularly?"

"That there's a fascinating question you should ask the very next bishop you meet. Coincidentally, hark to the chanting? We're right under the Church of St. Apollonius. Could get up and out through their ossuary but they have it barred tight."

"Are you really a Moon? 'Cause ol' Mercutio was the only soul crazy enough to dance down here for fun."

"That he was, bless 'im."

"I know Artemis Moon. Works at the docks. Calls himself a pirate but just nicks from the warehouse."

"Ha, anyone can do that. Just make friends with the dogs. Did you know your granddam Margaret?"

"Course not. Drowned herself years ago. In a big marble tub full of the finest white wine, they say."

"Was she happy?"

"Why would she drown herself if'n she was happy?"

"Yeah. Did you ever hear if she talked about old Mercutio?"

"Only to curse his soul and pecker to Lucif's dogs."

"Ah. We can walk this next part. But have to step slow. There'll be holes deep enough to drop a body into St. Lucif's deepest chamber pot."

"Oy, what's that creature behind us?"

"A cat."

"Why's his eyes so bright?"

"Hmm, 'cause he's an angel cat."

"Liar. He's a witch-thing."

"You've a sound head for the truth, young-un."

"Yep. I can spot a mark or a thief-catcher faster'n a dog'll swallow your shit or your lunch. It's why Crow took me for prentice."

"That Crow is a bad 'un. All those Swykes are over-easy 'bout crossing knives and throats."

"Oh, sure. But the bad sort are the best to learn from."

"Well, but you'll be learning the wrong things."

"What are you, the bishop now?"

"Damn if I know what I am."

"I'm scared. Can I hold your hand?"

"Sure. Let me just put my coin and favorite teeth in the farther pocket first."

"Ha, I'd still get 'em. Got the Moon touch, I do. That's a bad smell ahead."

"We're getting near the river. And that means we walk sly and slow. Things from the water make these pipes their tavern. And we wandering strangers are their drink."

"I hear singing."

"I see light. That's a street grate above us."

"Oh, that's a mate of mine, singing. Name's Whisper."

"Met her soon as come to town. She the one that tipped you and Crow to our coin?"

"Maybe, maybe."

"Green wife, give me the green life.

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