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(play We Made It by Compton's Most Wanted now)

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(play We Made It by Compton's Most Wanted now)

"SO we have to skate to our spots for a whole week?" Ruben groaned.

The group of teenagers were sat in a circle inside of the closed down elementary school. After Addy explained why Fuckshit spent the night at her house to Ray, the three of them skated to the shop. Right now, Fuckshit had dropped the bomb of how his mother took his car privileges for a week due to grades.

"You're acting like we don't skate to our spots anyways." Fuckshit argued.

"Yeah, but still!" Ruben started before he was cut off from two pairs of laughs.

Addy and Ray sat a few feet from Ruben, laughing about something that the rest of the group didn't know of. Ruben didn't know if he liked Addy yet. Honestly he was upset there was another addition to the group. First Stevie, now Addy who Ruben didn't know about her at all. While he was jealous of how Ray treated her, Ruben didn't want Ray to get even more mad.

Stevie and Addy was on Ruben's hit list regardless.

"What the fuck are yall laughin' bout?" Ruben questioned.

Addy cut her sentence short before turning toward Ruben.

"Pitbulls. Ray thinks they're not the best dog breed while I believe that's a lie. Would you like to add your two cents, Rub?" She finished with a small smile.

Ruben opened his mouth just to go silent once again. Addy knew that Ruben had something against her, including Stevie based on how he treated the two.

"Ray doesn't even fuckin' like dogs."

Ray snapped his head towards him. "Never said that. I just said that white people treat em' like humans. Anyways, Fuckshit why did your mom take the car again?"

"Grades. It's like my mom expects me to be a fucking genius, i'm only in the eleventh grade my nigga." Fuckshit sighed.

"Well, I mean it's pretty logical that your mom wants you to at least try." Addy spoke up.

Everyone stared at her in shock that she spoke up to Fuckshit about his situation. The boys all knew that Fuckshit was fucking up his future but were to afraid to speak up. Addy on the other hand didn't give one fuck, it's kinda why Fuckshit liked having her around. They pushed each others buttons.

"All that trying hard shit isnt for me." Fuckshit said.

"So what's your plan for after high school?" Ray questioned.

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