Chapter 4

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Hii, how are you all?
Do you think who was eavesdropping them? And yes u were right its was Jungkook Jeon ;)


Jungkook POV  ~

I was going back to room I heard hobi funny tone it's was long time I had seen after that incident jhope forgot to have fun he tried best to make everyone smile but it's didn't work and found some talk of childishness's from jin hyung room and decided to pick and I was shocked to imagine how can someone be so cute, taehyung as somethings in him that make everyone goes crazy, his huge tears in small eyes look so upsetting and the way he and hobi hyung were giggling make me to be part of him but I know he just 2 day guest and he will went tomorrow back to place he came from and this house will again be the same its was

Third Person Pov ~

Jungkook after talking to himself he went to his home office to do some work but his mind was on the younger who did something which no one ever did in this 2 years "making his hyung smile"

Tae Pov ~

Jhope hyung is very sweet person I am gonna introduce to him to my mom she will happy to meet him, after sometimes hyung ask me one question which disturb my mind and right now I am seating on stairs thinking about that question

Few minutes early ~

"Tae we have to leave tomorrow", namjoon said to tae sleeping on bed and cuddling each other

"Hyung I am grateful we are moving from this haunted house", tae replied

"Tae I know that but what about later where do we stay? We don't have even 1 won how we gonna survive in this huge country?" Namjoon replied

"I have one solution", tae said to namjoon and moved towards his bag and removed a chain and replied, "see hyung lets sell this I think the cost of this locket is enough for us to buy house and 1 month food and all"

"Tae are you gone crazy, the locket is so precious to you and you wanna sell it", namjoon scold to tae as he know that this locket means so much to him as while coming here he carried first thing that locket which is family to him

"Not more that you hyung", tae say to namjoon and hug him which namjoon to hug him back and caresses his back and peck on his forehead

"Tae come let's sleep we will see tomorrow what to do after moving from this house", namjoon replied

And with that they sleep together but Tae can't able to sleep because he was scared that someone gonna come and pull his leg under his blanket or come beside him and smile at him so he decided to roam in the house and find solution of tomorrow

Pendants Tae was talking about but he have that circle part which was with him from childhood, from where he got, who give him, who had moon part he don't have any idea but he always keep this locked close to his heart as it's part of his family

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Pendants Tae was talking about but he have that circle part which was with him from childhood, from where he got, who give him, who had moon part he don't have any idea but he always keep this locked close to his heart as it's part of his family

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