Chapter 19

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They were currently in hospital where jimin got admitted and jungkook it OT and tae being stubborn seating at one place not letting anyone treat him

"Sir your wound will be worst and in that OT you can be to their", one of the nurse said to tae and his family

"Ma'am I am fine...okay F I N E ...and you take care of child and jimin hyung and jungkook okay?", tae said to nurse showing he don't care about his wound unless he see jungkook out of danger

"Sir she is not letting us touch her?, how we will treat her"? One of the nurse said when the little girl decline of touching

"Its fine jimin hyung is doctor he will treat her when he wake up", tae said eyes in front of OT door not knowing what he is speaking

Namjoon and jin and tae is with jk in OT where yoongi is with jimin and hoseok with little girl who faint seeing the blood

Namjoon bent in front of his leg, "taetae listen let them treat you okay?"

"NO I WILL NOT GO ANYWHERE", tae said almost like screaming as he disturb why doc is not coming out of OT

"Bear listen treat yourself, how you will take care of all when you are not in condition...till they wakeup you will faint so for me let them treat you", namjoon said tears in his eyes

Seeing tears tae nodded, namjoon send doctor prescription of tae of past years medicine so they can provide him with medicine his body can take it

While namjoon kiss jin and went with tae in another room treat him and told him do medication and rest which they nodded

"Why don't you tell me?", namjoon asked

"I though I can deal with it", tae said

"What if they kill you", namjoon said while cover his face for tears to be falling

Taehyung hug namjoon and cried his heart out saying sorry for action, making him worried which namjoon kiss his forehead and move out saying jin need him which tae nodded

"Hyung", tae said while namjoon moving out

"Yes bear", namjoon said with smile on his face

"All are not like him, they are nice", tae said introducing they as jimin and jungkook which namjoon nodded and left

After some minutes tae come out of room and wait for OT to end with good news

Few hours later doc come

"Patient is fine but he is injured so take care of him, he is sleep wait for his wakeup only one person can meet him", doc replied

Tae want to him but he let jin to do as he his brother but jin decline which uncomfortable noticed by kim brother and cute voice come that she wanna see

"Hey angel how are you? Why don't you let them treat to you?", tae said bending to her size

"No I can't anyone touch me or he will kill me", little girl said

"Who will dare to touch my girl in front of me?", tae said hugging which she nodded with no emotion

"Can I go inside" she said where tae nodded, "be careful" jin said

She entered in the room and tried to seat beside chair and hold jungkook hand

"You are the first person that help me, I will leave from here because you are good person and master said I am sin to everyone life and I come to your life and you all landed in hospital if I was not their nothing will happen, t-ae -ta-e is hurt too, please forgive you are great person and great lover to tae", she said sobbing and kissed jungkook before sobbing she noticed someone presence"

"Heyy why are you crying he is fine" tae said

"Who is telling? Who already controlling his tears", she said which make them giggle and hug each other, "he is fine you stay with jhope hyung okay", tae said she move from the room

They were silent that tae decide to break it as Jungkook can't do, "heyy I listen from jimin that you are light sleeper so how you can sleep from so much time?, jungkook I really don't know who are you, and what destiny want but you the comfort that I wanted every time, please wake up jungkook I can see my love one on this bad", tae said sobbing

"You I don't believe in love but after going with you in Spain and acting like fake bf I feel how it look in real and when my heat broken when u said let be stranger you don't know its feel like someone put arrow in my heart though its not like my ego hurt but its like my world shatter, I want to talk to you...I know we can't be love but I want to be with you even we are friends kookie, you are the only comfort I am searching from 4 years", tae said tear in his eyes sobbing silently

"What take you late to find comfort?", tae smile hearing the voice


Any plot you want to see? do tell me so I can add in my stories

Byee homiess...

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