Chapter 37

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Doctor check me and smile and I ask the reason for it

"Congratulations Taehyung you are PREGNANT"


Tae PoV :

I was shock listening have extra prega test so I did that but it's show 2 line mean I am preg...but how? I take the precautions very well but doctors said it's happen many a time

It's not I am Sad? Happiness is unlimited I have my bun inside me but are we ready? Is Jungkook ready for it? What about hyung? He don't know me dating to jungkook how he will react that? But....

What about that voice on my birthday he will kill me within one week if I died means my no that can't happen

I didn't realise that tears were flowing from my eyes...
"Hey Taehyung don't cry if you don't want I will prescribe you some medicine you can take it", doctor said I turn towards with look of are you joking?

"Who said I want to abort? No he is my baby he will come in this world healthy", I said to doctor

"Ohk but don't take stress...should I give this goodnews to others?", he said making me shock

"NO DOCTOR", I said loudly.... "I mean please I will say them", which doctor nod and move out replying other my hyung that I have bad stomach and weekness which resulted into vomitting

After few minutes everyone say me goodbye and went out for giving me time to rest ...I saw kook was too going and I want to stop him but no courage I don't why there is uncomfortable between us because I am pregnant or he know me from childhood?

"Jungkook", I said and I am very glad that I didn't sutter

Jungkook look at me and smile and seat beside me which I get up hold his arm and sleep on his arms which he caresses my hair

"Why you ignoring me," I said which he smile and look at him with done face

"Why you laughing mister", I said staring at him

"Aww my baby is angry looking so cute are the one who ignored me not me sweetheart", he said making me blush

"I didn't ignore you I don't know how to talk", I said hiding my face in his chest

"Why sweetheart I didn't change", he said making me sad

"Tae look at me", he said make me look at him ...he kiss my forehead then my lips

"Tae I don't know what to reply but I want to say that my happiness in another level the person I am finding from soo long he was beside me and me idiot can't able to know that ...the boy who never got tired saying kookie hyung, bunny hyung is so near and his hyung didn't get to know....tae I am sorry ...I hope I can change but it all my fault", he said crying keeping his forehead on my head

"Kookie even when I didn't know my identity I said you one thing that it's was not your fault....and it can never yours didn't tell me anything no actually I don't know anything but I know one that you love me and if you not happy with me you would be crying somewhere knowing your plan fault its would be diff koo", I said and suddenly i felt my breath to be high as I can't able to breath

"Heyy sweetheart...relax I am really sorry for making you tense ...cupcake relax okay take breath ...breath one breath focus on me...look at me taetae breath for me love," I was just focusing on his word which making me blush and forgot the memories which were coming in front of my eyes

"Are you okay prince", he said kissing my forehead which I look down and nodd playing with my finger

"Word baby", he said

"Yes", I said

"Koo what you think about baby?", I said which he look at me with confuse face

"Idk ...they are cute but why are you saying?", he said

"Hmm I didn't receive my period", I said

(Author: wattpad and science had no connection please consider this reader)

"Yaa but 12 days more to go", he said and I slap my forehead...this man don't know hint I get up from my place and move inside bathroom bringing the preg kit and give it to him

He sees and reply making me more angry, "who is it baby?" he said

"Aww my kookie are you really innocent or pretending to be", I said in anger

"Baby what happen why you been angry", he said making me triple angry

"You know what Jeon Jungkook I was drunk and I don't know how but I had one night stand with stanger and I don't know who's the stranger and yes I am having his kid now", I said not knowing what I am saying

"Are you joking babe", he said coming to be closer holding my face caressing it

"Aaahhhhhhhhhhhhh I hate you move from my room right you fucking asshole don't remember you fucking fuck me at my birthday", I said loosing my breath and seat on bed controlling myself for my bub

"T-a-e you had one ni-gh-t standing with me", jungkook said and I look at him that what he trying to say?

"Jungkook", I said giving him dead glare

"Sorry baby I mean you take pills you only said that that's why we don't know use protection", he said and walk close towards me

"Ya but doctor said you can't depend on pill 100% so..", I said which he move my chin to look at him

"Are you happy", he said which I bring smile on my face

"Yes kookie our baby", I said which he kiss me passionately

"I guess now sad days gone happy days has arrived ...I have now my two babies is you and one is here", he said caressing my tummy than move down and kiss their making moan

"You know what baby want," I said smirking

"Yes sweetheart," he said

"I think my baby is horny...we need you both inside me with love", he said and come closer picking me in bridal style

"Please bunny hyung", I said smirking

"Sure my taemin my love sweetheart", he said laying me on the bed and placing him between my leg


Byee homies ....

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