Name: Anteloxen
Scientific name: Bovidorcas latifrons
Type: Mammal
Diet: Herbivore
Family: Bovidae
Social structure: Anteloxens are social socials, living in vast herds up to thousands due to many predators around. Herds are led by dominant bulls who protects the herds from predators. Anteloxens tend to mix herds with hollowhorns for protection against predators.
Preferred habitat: Alpine meadows, scrublands, temperate grasslands, semi-deserts, lowlands, rocky deserts, floodplains, alpine grasslands, moorlands, savannas, mountainous plateaus, river valleys and wetlands.
Bio: Anteloxen are large, herd-dwelling species of antelopes native to Exotic Island. They are descendants of few populations of gemsboks, beisa oryxes, Arabian oryxes and scimitar oryxes that were brought to Exotic Island and interbred with each other, forming a new species. Their also ancestors also managed to survive the nuclear radiation and became larger than their ancestors due to many predators around. They grew larger than their ancestors, about the size of a black rhinoceros. They are found throughout the alpine meadows, scrublands, temperate grasslands, semi-deserts, lowlands, rocky deserts, floodplains, alpine grasslands, moorlands, savannas, mountainous plateaus, river valleys and wetlands of Exotic Island. These antelopes are known to be aggressive and fight off predators with their large horns in order to protect their herds at all costs. Anteloxens are social socials, living in vast herds up to thousands due to many predators around. Herds are led by dominant bulls who protects the herds from predators. Anteloxens tend to mix herds with hollowhorns for protection against predators, including big cats, predatory birds, Ennedi tigers, hyenas, wolves, etc. These antelopes also migrate to search for new feeding grounds and calving seasons.