Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Remember Me

Wiping my tears off i once again went outside. It was already quite dark out but i am sure that it is still too early to sleep.I walked in the hallway and saw four other doors leading to whose rooms? I really don't know. Using my amazing instinct ,mind the sarcasm, my eyes landed on a door to which i guess leads to Aunt Maggie's room. I pushed the door open. What i saw made my innocent eyes pop open.

There was an extremely hot yet extremely naked guy standing in the middle of the room. "Jake, how many times do i have to tell you to knock on the door? When will you seriously learn?" he said while turning around. I stood there speechless and unmoving.

"what are you- oh hey kathaliya you woke up..." I covered my extremely crimson face and mumbled 'sorry's and 'oh my god's repittively before slamming the door shut. I turned around cooling myself down and was just about to give up when a miracle happened.

Aunt Maggie went out of her room!"What's the matter darling? is there something wrong?"I looked at her still slightly flustered from previous events. I opened my mouth and closed it and opened it and closed it, trying to say something but failing miserably. She shook her head smiling and ushered me into her room."Honey, tell me what heppened." she told me while rubbing my back soothingly.

Choosing to forget my odd encounter with her eldest son, i closed my eyes, cooled my mind and told her about the dreams i keep getting ,or shall i say, flashbacks? When i was done explaining she smiled at me and said "Those are flashbacks, honey. I am sure those were from the time your parents were still alive."I wanted to tell her something but i was extremely nervous. I just nodded and looked everywhere in the room except her. Sensing my nervousness, she asked me whats the problem again."IwanttofindhimbecauseI'msurehehastheanswersIwant" i blurted out extremely fast. "Excuse me, young lady, can you repeat that I dont have super hearing skills, people get old too, you know." she said sternly.

I sighed "I....... Waaaaannntt....... Toooooo........ Fiiiiiiiiiind......... Hiiiii-"

"I am not that old! now speak properly young lady!" Aunt maggie interrupted, an annoyed expression creeping into her features.I rolled my eyes, which made her glare at me, and repeated normally "I want to find the guy in my dreams because I am sure he has the answer to my questions and i think i slightlyyyyyy-"

"slightly what?!"

"I think that even though my brain forgot him, my heart is still holding on to him."Aunt maggie raised her eyebrows at me.

"What?! Amnesia or not, a girl still needs, or wants, in this case, a cliche love!"She sighed, shaking her head.

"Don't ask me. I am not your guardian anymore. You are now an adult, make your own decisions, that is if you still know how to drive."

"So i can go?!" i squealed like a fangirl."Did I say yes?!" Aunt maggie thundered, an angry expression taking over her features. I cowered back in fear. She looked monstrously scary when she was angry, what happened to nice old lady.

Suddenly giggles filled the room, it then turned into full out laughter. Is Aunt Maggie crazy or is she just PMSing?Aunt maggie seemed to have read my mind as her laughing became so loud that she started crying.I looked at her wide eyed. Can she read my minds?!

"Okay, Maggie, calm down, calm down" she said to herself. Ooooookay, first she is PMSing now she is speaking to herlself?! Aunt maggie then started her scond round of laughing like a maniac.Oh My G! She is crazy! I gotta get out!

"Oh.... My ........ God. I have never laughed this heartily in such a long time. And just for the record, do i seriously look, well in your words, monstrously scary? And am I now called nice old lady? Do you seriously think I am PMSing?! I am in my freaking 50's? No, i am not crazy thouh i spoke to myself, and lastly no, i do not read mimds!" she said all in one breath.

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