The Cooperate Stooge

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Congrats you have gotten a interview for a job you have been down on your luck for several years and you really need a break. So you take this job you saw an ad for on social media. Something you really never do because it always seems that the job is to good to be true and usually is.

You get prepared for the interview you had the interview in downtown Atlanta and you knew it would take you about 2 hours to get to the office in which the interview was. You made sure to do your research on the company before you left for the interview. The Job was a personal assistant for a regional manger with Giant LLC (Cheesy IK). You where not sure what the job entailed since you got the job listing from Social. But no matter what you where over prepared for the job and was sure you where gonna get it.

You left your place very early gave yourself 3 hours to get to the office. When you get to the building it is huge a very large corporate office building you walk in say to a very pretty receptionist you are here for the interview. Directs you to the elevator and say go to the 5th floor the passcode is 1324. You head up and use the passcode to get into the office there is no one there but a sign and and sign in book. You go over to it and sign in and see there are only 4 names on the list but no one is in the office waiting room with you. You think nothing of it and wait for someone to come get you for the interview. You sit patently with you resume in hand.

You wait about 5 mins and you see a woman open what you didnt know was a door and she looks at you. Y/N you are hear early thats a good start. You stand up and smile as that is a good sign you may finally get a job. She walks you down the hall and you see rows and rows of cubicles all with woman hard at work but you are unsure what they are doing you sit down in office with the woman who walked you over here you see she is dressed in business casual. She is wearing her hair back in a ponytail with bright red lipstick and eyeshadow a white slightly baggy shirt that is covering up alot yet you can see a outline of a sports bra under the shirt and she has a dark blue cardigan to cover her shirt and dark blue pants with heals with her toes exposed so you can see they have been painted red. She than proceeds to take a look at you and starts the interview.
She starts So, Y/N  you have been unemployed for a little while what makes you wanna join Giant LLC?
Well i need a job and i saw your ad.
Ok well do you have any family you live with are you married.
Umm no i live alone and my family i no longer am in contact with.
Oh i am sorry about that. *checks box*
Any pets at home?
Umm….No not at all
Excuse me miss what does this have to do with the job
Oh Y/N it has everything to do with your new job here at Giant LLC
Oh i would have….. Wait new job?
Yes congrats MR/MISS Y/N welcome to Giant LLC now follow me we will get you set up today.
As she walks you to a different room you get a uneasy feeling  you get a closer look at the women working in the office and you notice how they are all have necklaces that are surprisingly really long yet you cant see the end of them yet you wonderwhat the whole thing looks like. You are brought to a room with 2 doors and you are brought infornt of a woman you are introduced to her as you new partner her name is jenny. Jenny was very pretty she had short hair and a very plump chest  that you can see her clevage but she had no necklace which was stranger. Jenny says hello nervously she looks you up and down congrats on becoming my new partner i have never had one she said. But I was told that i Need one to be more productive at my desk so thank you and congrats again Y/N.
She than pierced you ear with a tag out of no where and puched you into the room connected to it she said im sorry the tag read property of jenny Giant LLC. you than black out as you are welcomed to your new job. When you wake you see a computer screen the size of the building you look around and you notice you are being hung form something by your wrists you thant look down and see to flesh mountains under you and you register you are shrunk and you have been placed as the centerpiece of jenny’s necklace.
You see jenny has tagged you as property and you see that this was the job to be a support creature for the women at this job at as you see jenny get flustered with her job she than looks at you and says i guess it is time to put you to work. She than takes you off the necklace and puts you between her boobs and gets you comftorbale in between the two mountains of flesh and after a while she says this isnt working lets try something else she than takes you out and puts you in front of her underwear between her pants and panries and makes you start rubbing her lips and her clit till she is relaxed than puts you back on her necklace till she needs you again at work or at home.


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