heartfelt apology !!

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Riddle was snapped out of his daze as (m/n) spoke up.

"Still as strict as ever, huh Rosehearts?" (m/n) said.

"Well.. yes. Troublemakers such as these need to follow the rules to the bone. He also.. ate my tart.. which Trey baked especially for me..." Riddle trailed off at the last part but (m/n) heard.

"Did you even bring an apology tart to replace the one you ate?" Cater backed Riddle.

"Uh, no...? I came here first thing in the morning!" Ace stated.

"Rule 53. "Stolen items must be replaced." Therefore, if you have no replacement we cannot let you in." Riddle stated.

Ace was speechless at the fact that he now has to BAKE A WHOLE TART for this tyrant of a housewarden. Anger was bubbling inside of him. Just before they would be thrown out of the dormitory front gardens (m/n) surprised everyone.

"Well actually, I have the replacement for you Rosehearts."

None of them was expecting (m/n) to bring a replacement, nonetheless for Ace. Did (m/n) even know all the rules? Is that why he came prepared? Who knows, (m/n) could know it all.

"You.. do?" Riddle questioningly said.

"Yes, since it was a type of strawberry tart stolen, I rebaked one." (m/n) said solemnly.

Charmel, who was with the group but didn't say anything took out the white box from the bag he was carrying, the clear plastic top was clear - you could see the contents inside, the strawberry tart. The strawberry tart consisted of a golden sweet pastry crust, filled with a creamy custard filling and topped with strawberries arranged in a flower pattern. It was definately a delicious looking tart.

When did (m/n) have the time even to create this? - Everyone present wondered.

"Is this sufficient?" (m/n) snapped everyone out of their thoughts.

"Ah.. yes." Riddle trailed on.

Not even Cater has seen Riddle in such a state before, head in the clouds and basically speechless.

"(M/n) do you by any chance.. want to help out for the unbirthday party later this week?" Riddle asked, patiently waiting for an answer.

Cater was now the one to be speechless. RIDDLE WANTS (M/N) TO H-HELP OUT???????

(M/n) looked over to Charmel, using his eyes to hint that he wanted him to answer since he had a better range of what his schedule will be like.

Riddle caught on and said, "I'll be on the Wednesday, 2 days from now."

"Ah well, seeming as the young master has no activities for Wednesday, I suppose we could help out." Charmel spoke.

Everyone was star-struck, to say the least Riddle had never pulled a stunt like this. Inviting the most prestige and snobby royal to the traditional Heartslabyul unbirthday party, plus asking them to help out. This was something else, something worth writing in aincent history.

Anywho, things like this, would make the Housewardens potential open up to (m/n). Wasn't this the chance he had been waiting for? To finally present himself as the heart-warming and adorabl-- friendly.. person that he was? Or was this just only the beginning of the downfall.

(M/n) was actually overjoyed that he could experience such a tradition, he loved learning about other cultures and what they did, like traditions, musics, crafts. He did most of these in his spare time, there was a whole table full of trinkets that he had created. Of course he cherished them - they were his token of finally being creative at a school he finally enjoyed being at. Not like all those other private schools where Charmel had no freedom of speech at all. He just had to sort of - blindly follow (m/n), which (m/n) didn't really enjoy. (M/n) loved when Charmel would speak, it's like presenting that he had his own free choice and will.

Charmel could see the excitment on (m/n)'s eyes, yet the lingering feeling of something extrodinary felt like it would happen.

(I feel like this is the start of m/n's harem.... SORRY IF THE CHARACTERS ARE A BIT OOC !!)

Moral of the story if you're ever in trouble just go to (m/n)!! Ace and Deuce plus Grim have seen a whole new side of (m/n). Especially him smiling, just because he was invited to something that others would have been easily attended. Maybe he really was missing out on the outside world, behind his castle walls.

"However, I will not tolerate the perpatrator not being able to replace HIS stolen items!" Ridde shrieked.

Riddle was being difficult now, very difficult. He accepts (m/n)'s perfectly delectable strawberry tart but then refuses to forgive Ace? I mean Ace hasn't really begged or apologized yet... But that's besides the point!!

Some would say Riddle just, wanted to try (m/n)'s cooking? I mean who wouldn't - he can literally make you a full course meal.

Back to the topic at hand, Ace was not happy with this...


"Ahem.. a bit quieter please??" (m/n) asked

Ace's face turned a slight red due to embarrassment.

"You underclassmen should understand by now if you've read rule number 187 - YOU have to replace what YOU stolen." Riddle emphasized.

"Now you've crossed the line you tyrant. I swear Juice, I'm about to busy a nerve let's go." Ace complained

What? What did he just call me? Me? A... tyrant? Disrespectful littl-

"Woah there riddle you don't want to burst a vein now do you??" Someone light-heartedly joked. It was Trey the heartslabyul chef! Or baker I would like to phrase it.

"Ah Trey, You and Cater can escort these.. unruly underclassmen out, I'm also going to invite (m/n) for tea now?" Riddle Asked questioningly looking over to you for approval.

"Ah yes, why of course - right Charmel?" (m/n) looked over to him. Charmel nodded in approval.

"Thank you for this offer Rosehearts, you have my gratitude." (m/n) thanked him.



"Call me Riddle from now on. I would like us to be acquainted."
Riddle suggested.

"Ah well, if you do insist Riddle."

The way his first name rolled of his tongue, made Riddle feel some kind of bliss - he didn't know what this feeling was not did anyone else but this did really become love - at first meeting? (lol not sight 😭😭)

Riddle was utterly memorized by (m/n)'s looks and even to the way he talks in the utmost polite manner. Like a proper prince...

No, no Riddle you can't have these feelings - you're not.. attracted to a man are you? What would mother think about this ..

Plus, (m/n) was probably as vile and malicious as his mother. Oh dear, Queen Rapunzel corrupted by the tower she had been held. Dreaded the feeling by thy she fell. Legacy carried by the one she celled.

SORRY FOR THE LATE CHAPTER!! HOPE YOU GUYS CAN FORGIVE ME!! ILL POST MORE REGULARLY (TRY) FROM NOW ON!! I'm also trying to kind of follow the story line to the best of my ability but I'm kinda going off track sometimes lol


Riddle questioning his gayness rn..

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