𝔗𝔥𝔯𝔢𝔢: ℭ𝔯𝔲𝔠𝔦𝔬

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Mattheo and Cora speed down the halls.

"where are we going" she was trying to keep up with her brother as he ran down the halls "he wants to speak with us." he looked at his sister with worried eyes "he's not happy" Mattheo summoned his and Coras broom and off to the Malfoy manner they went. They arrived busting through the doors and into a meeting his father was holding. Everyone was there.

"my children sit down" he demanded.

They did as he said, Cora, sat at the end of the table, and Mattheo on the edge beside Narcissa. Voldemort got up and began to walk around the table and stopped at his daughter's chair 

"stand.up." Cora's breath shook, her eyes filled with fear Narcissa mouthing its okay as she stood in front of her father.

"you've been joking around at Hogwarts have you?" he began to walk around her. "playing around with boys such as Malfoy and Weasley eh?"

Cora's voice broke as she answered her father's questions "yes sir" her father's face filled with anger "and did I send you there to have fun and make friends, Cora?"

a tear fell down her cheek "no sir" she answered she knew what was about to happen.

"What did I send you there for, mhm?" she sat in silence "ANSWER ME?!" she flinched as her father screamed "to kill sir" her father whispered "who?"

Cora had tears falling down her face as she looked at Mattheo and then back at Voldemort "everyone"

"crucio" Cora fell to her knees with the feeling of one thousand hot knives boring into her skin. He shot her with another curse, breaking her rib cage and ankle. Mattheo was looking away with his head on Narcissa's shoulder with her hand on his head not letting him see what his father was doing.

Lucius whispered "what are you doing woman" Narcissa gave him a dark-eyed look" he's just a boy" and she continued  to comfort him. while his sister was writhing in pain. her father finally quit and left the room.

Mattheo ran over to his sister and pick her up bridal style and apparated into Snape's office. he laid his sister on the floor with Cora still crying in pain.

"sir please help her," he said holding back his tears

Snape's eyes widened with shock and ran to the cabinets, he grabbed an old black jar he turned back around to Mattheo. "it's empty" Snape stood there emotionless

"Well, you must have something" Mattheo snapped Snape shook his head.

"I have nothing to get rid of the pain of the crucio curse. I can fix her ankle but that's it she's going to have to wait it out" snape grabbed his wand and twisted it at Cora's ankle and popped it back in place.

She grabbed onto Matthew sobbing in pain. "he must have hit her a dozen times with that curse this could go on for hours" Mattheo said as he held Cora in his arm on the verge of tears. Snape just stood there watching her cry and watched Mattheo telling her it was going to be alright, Snape felt helpless.

Snape's doors swung open "professor-" George froze. Snape used his wand to shut and lock the door and put a silence spell over the room so nobody else could hear Cora.

"is that-" George tried to walk towards Cora but Snape kicked him out of the room

"tell anyone about this and you are to be expelled understood Weasley" Snape slammed the door and George watched through the window on the door as Snape knelt beside Cora. George walked away.

Fred ran up to his brother "so what did he say" George looked up at his brother and the hand that was over his mouth fell

"he was busy" Fred scoffed "so you didn't ask him to switch my project places with you?" George shook his head and Fred stormed off towards the Slytherin common room in anger.

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