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Draconis, Dr. Buck, and Dr. Collingwood emerged in the centre of a castle courtyard. This was, of course, not the most desired location for a spontaneous appearance in the Underworld—especially considering the fact that the courtyard was lined wall-to-wall with demon soldiers.

All of the soldiers now had their eyes on the newcomers, blinking at them in surprise.

Oh, dear, Draconis sighed. This isn't going to be pretty...

"INTRUDERS!" one of the soldiers screeched, unsheathing his sword.

"KILL THEM!" another roared, raising a warhammer.

Draconis responded without even moving. The symbol of Safe Haven appeared beneath his feet, spinning rapidly and forming a shield of green M.A.G.I.C. around him and the researchers.

The demons pounded on the shield with their weapons, but it was all in vain—none of them could make even the slightest dent in the magical barrier.

Meanwhile, Draconis watched in amusement. This is quite pathetic, he remarked, smiling at the doctors.

"Of course you would think so," Dr. Buck scoffed.

Oh, come on, Amelia. Have a little fun every now and then! Draconis grinned, snapping his fingers.

At his command, the forcefield exploded outward, flattening every demon in the courtyard.

Draconis cleared his throat and straightened his stone vest, calmly stepping over fallen soldiers as he made his way toward the castle. Come along, ladies, he called over his shoulder. I haven't got all day. My wife's existence may very well be hanging in the balance.

Dr. Buck groaned and rubbed her face. "We have to get away from this maniac, Molly," she grumbled to her colleague.

"Just keep playing along, Buck," Collingwood replied with a sigh, following the dragon.

"He won't even slow down to let us study these things!" Dr. Buck complained, gesturing to the demons.


Draconis shoved open the doors to the castle, knocking over the royal guards that had been en route to respond to the disturbance in the courtyard. Make way, imbeciles! he boomed. A king is in your midst!

"There is no king here but ours!"

Draconis paused, blinking.

Then he looked down.

The demon known as Major Styx glared up at him, pointing an outrageously-small sword at the Stone Dragon. "Begone, fiend, or taste the devil's wrath!" he screamed.

Draconis let out a surprised laugh. You've got to be joking! he exclaimed. I am to be expelled from the grounds by a plush toy with a plastic sword? He bent down, smirking at Styx. You must know how simply idiotic you look.

Major Styx responded by swinging the sword at Draconis, who simply straightened up to avoid the attack. "I will not warn you again, cretin," Styx snarled. "Leave, or I will make—"

Draconis promptly punted Styx down the hallway, sending him skidding to a stop at the foot of the thrones of the Underworld's rulers.

The goat-beast now known to Xirxine and their affiliated personnel as "Hades" glanced down at his major, then up at Draconis with a raised eyebrow. "Was that really necessary?" he called, raising his voice to be heard from the distance.

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