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Chapter 035: Sleeping

Wei Jianwei's troops belonged to the Capital Military Region. He Xiaoyun took Wei Yuanhang on a train all the way north, and finally arrived at the station in the evening of the next day.

She was holding the child in one hand and the luggage in the other. As soon as she stepped on the platform, a gust of wind blew on her face. The north was colder than the south, and the bleak autumn mood in the wind was already obvious.

"Is it cold?" She squeezed the child's hand.

Wei Yuanhang shook his head, holding a piece of candy in his hand, leaning close to her side, looking at the crowd with big eyes curiously and confusedly.

There were people coming and going on the platform, He Xiaoyun looked up, there were moving heads everywhere, and the sky was about to darken, and her whole body was enveloped in gray tones, she couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

Several people squeezed over behind her, and she hurriedly protected Wei Yuanhang, but she was squeezed aside for several steps. Fortunately, someone held her arm in time to prevent her from falling.

"Thank you-" She raised her head to say thank you. After seeing the person who came, she felt relieved, and her face was a little bit of joy, "You are here."

"Dad!" Wei Yuanhang ran over and hugged each other's legs, and said as soon as he opened his mouth: "Daddy hug."

Wei Jianwei was dressed in a military uniform, and his upright posture was eye-catching. He bent down to hug Wei Yuanhang, and freed up one hand to carry He Xiaoyun's luggage, "I'll carry it."

"I'll do it myself." He Xiaoyun shook her head, but he couldn't hold back Wei Jianwei, so he was picked up by him.

When he lowered her head, she saw his profile face. His features looked more brave than usual against the background of the military uniform, and his body was full of sharp vigor.

She couldn't help thinking that the person in front of her seemed to be different from the one who had always spoiled her before.

The three of them left the station. Along the way, Wei Yuanhang kept talking, "My mother and I take the train. It's so long and so long, oooooo-the train will leave!"

Wei Jianwei nodded twice from time to time to show his response, and then turned his head to talk to He Xiaoyun: "Is it tired?"

Tired must be tired. On the train for two days and one night, there were too many people to have a good rest. She had to watch Wei Yuanhang carefully to prevent him from running around. It was almost always after the child was asleep. Squint in time.

"A little bit." She nodded.

Wei Jianwei originally planned to take them to a state-owned restaurant for dinner. Seeing the tired look on her face, Wei Jianwei changed his mind and went directly to the subordinate hospital to settle down.

The army family area was separated from the battalion area, and it was dark again. Apart from a few guards, no one was encountered along the way.

The house allocated to them is not big and the decoration is not new, but it is very clean. Wei Jianwei put down the children and luggage, let He Xiaoyun sit for a while, and he went to get hot water.

The boiling water room was outside. When He Xiaoyun heard him walk out, a female voice called him to stop.

"Old Wei, are your younger siblings here?"

Wei Jianwei's voice didn't get very clear, and the other party said: "Pharaoh mentioned it to me that day, and I remembered it. It's so late, surely I haven't eaten yet? I've saved a meal for you, and I will bring boiling water later. Take, tell your younger siblings, take a good rest today, and my sister-in-law will come back tomorrow to disturb."

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