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Chapter 037: Kiss

"Dad!" As soon as Wei Jianwei appeared at the door, Wei Yuanhang saw him.

He Xiaoyun was putting the dishes on the table, and seeing him come back, said: "I'm back, wash your hands and eat."

As soon as she finished speaking, she was embarrassed in her heart. Why did it sound like an old couple? Originally I wanted to ask him how he was working in the morning, but I swallowed it back now. I didn't ask, it became more like a question.

She didn't ask, but Wei Jianwei opened his mouth, "Is the market bustling?"

"It's lively, much bigger than our small county town."

Wei Yuanhang couldn't wait to say: "I saw so many big cars and so many people-"

"Don't be like that, sit down and eat." He Xiaoyun pressed him to the chair and tied a saliva pocket to save him from eating food everywhere.

Wei Jianwei washed his hands and sat down, "I have time in a few days, let's go for a walk together."

"You are busy in advance, let's talk about it when you are free, anyway, we are all free." He Xiaoyun said.

She put a piece of meat for Wei Yuanhang, the child smelled it, and opened his mouth, "Mother's meat is so delicious."

"If you at least eat this sentence, I can still believe you." He Xiaoyun was funny.

"Ah ooh -" Wei Yuanhang opened his mouth and stuffed the meat into his mouth. While chewing, he shook his head in satisfaction, his mouth still not free, "It's really delicious, isn't it Dad?"

"It's really good." Wei Jianwei nodded in agreement, and looked at her and said, "Thanks."

He Xiaoyun was uncomfortable to hear. She took money from others and cooked for others, saying that it was hard and not hard, which was embarrassing.

She said: "Hurry up, the dishes will be cold in a while."

After dinner, Wei Jianwei went back to the camp. He Xiaoyun washed the dishes, and after finishing the housework, she discovered that Wei Yuanhang was lying on the bed and fell asleep at some point. No wonder there was no movement just now.

She took the child to bed and settled in, washed the clothes she changed last night, and then looked around the room and found that there was nothing to pack, so she took out the book and sat down at the table to calm down and read.

Recently, I've been busy, and my study has been left unused. I went to the market in the morning and saw the bookstore mentioned by Wei Jianwei, which was much larger than the one in the county town. She planned to wait for the books on hand to finish reading, and then go in and have a look. Buy a few more notebooks for taking notes.

The family building in the afternoon was very quiet. At first, I could hear the sound of Xu Lanxiang making Wang Derong take a nap next door. The child groaned and didn't want to sleep. After a while, there was no movement. He thought he fell asleep suppressed by his mother.

He Xiaoyun listened to her, thinking that the little fat man sometimes had the same situation, and she unconsciously smiled.

The weather in autumn was cool and pleasant. A blink of an eye, the small half afternoon passed, He Xiaoyun was immersed in the book, and it was not until Wei Yuanhang woke up to realize that time had passed.

"Mom, I kind of miss grandma..." The child just woke up, lying on the bed playing with his little quilt, talking with nasal sounds, milky milk, "and grandpa, uncle, aunt, little uncle... "

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