Chapter 058: Love

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Chapter 058: Love

Life is gradually getting on the right track. From Monday to Friday, He Xiaoyun goes to school. On weekends, he stays at home with the children and prepares food for the family. He goes to the market to buy enough food for the whole week. Sometimes, there will be some in the class or the literary group. Activity.

One weekend in April, the class organized an outing.

Because it was the first group outing since the beginning of school, He Xiaoyun couldn't refuse, so she sent Wei Yuanhang to Xu Lanxiang and promised to buy him a kite when he returned.

About twenty people in the class were almost there, and they went to the People's Park together.

In the late spring, there are a lot of people enjoying flowers in the park. They are young people, youthful and lively, and they attract a lot of attention.

Liu Yangyang carried a bag, took He Xiaoyun's hand and jumped around, taking out food from the bag and sharing it with her, a child who came out to play with his parents.

"Did you know, Li Lingling talked about the object." She suddenly leaned in and said in a low voice, looking in the other direction.

He Xiaoyun followed her gaze and saw Li Lingling walking side by side with a boy, a little closer.

He Xiaoyun didn't live in school and didn't have much contact with classmates, so many gossips were not well informed. In her impression, Li Lingling had been in and out of Wu Jing all the time. I don't know since when the two moved separately.

She searched for Wu Jing in the crowd, but saw that there was also a boy next to her. The boy looked very attentive and kept turning his head to talk to her, but Wu Jing seemed indifferent and not very enthusiastic.

He Xiaoyun suddenly realized that all the students in the class were beginning to fall in love.

Liu Yangyang said gossiping again: "Our monitor has been chasing Wu Jing for a long time. Before that, Wu Jing publicly said that he didn't plan to talk about the subject, and he didn't let him get rid of it."

"You know quite a lot." He Xiaoyun said with a smile.

"That's for sure," Liu Yangyang was a little proud, "You don't listen to things outside the window, and you only read sage books. I am definitely not better than you in reading, but other things are not necessarily true."

He Xiaoyun chuckled secretly. If Liu Yangyang was born in her time and was a gossip entertainment joke, he would definitely not have to worry about running out of food.

The weather is getting warmer and warmer. In previous years, Wei Jianwei usually took his family vacation in April of the lunar calendar.

He sat at the table and wrote a letter, telling his family about this. He Xiaoyun walked out of the kitchen with a plate and stuffed a sophora japonica dumpling into his mouth.

It is the flowering period of Sophora japonica. There are a lot of Sophora japonica trees on both sides of the main road in the family area. She and Xu Lanxiang picked a large basket and came back. During this time, Sophora japonica dumplings, Sophora japonica buns, Sophora japonica cakes, Sophora japonica rice Can be arranged.

"Have you finished writing?" she asked Wei Jianwei. She also took a dumpling. After tasting it, she found that it was a little bland, so she went to the kitchen to pour a dish of vinegar.

Wei Jianwei nodded, "Almost."

He Xiaoyun leaned over to read the letter he had written, and said while reading: "I can let the little fat man write a little later. After reading the book for more than half a year, he has learned a few words somehow, let him write it to his grandparents. "

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