how about no?

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i walked onto the school grounds and sat on the stairs on my phone.

"who ya texting shortstack" he said calmly, as if he didn't scare me. "mason" i said. "the guy shorter then you from lunch yesterday?" carsen asked. "yeah" i said. "he's cool" carsen replied.

then a different girl came over, another popular one. it was lily harrison. "cayden wants you for some odd reason" she said. "who's that?" she asked while she unzipped her sweater a little. "new kid in our class, y/n, she sits behind you and neveah" carsen said. "so beside you?" lily said, kind of a question. "yeah" carsen said.

then the bell rang but instead of going in right away carsen said "wait a minute, you, stay with us", so i did. "what are we doing this time?" lily asked. 5 minutes after the bell we were inside roaming around the 6 grader floor. "just come on" carsen grabbed my arm with his left hand and lily's with his right hand and he walked fast. we ended up in the music hall 12 minutes after the bell.

"it took you that long to get here ?" I asked. "I'm not a band kid, geez" he said leaning against the wall. "neither am i, but i know my way around" i joked. "maybe i wanted to take the long way" he leaned down to my height and said in a sarcastic tone. "maybe you did" i agreed. "what are we doing here ?" lily asked. "wanna miss 20 more minutes of math then we already are?" carsen said. "obviously, what about you" lily turned to me. "bet" i said.

with that carsen took out the elevator key, and used it to open the fire-alarm drill hatch. he then pulled it quickly before closing it and grabbing me and lily's arm again and running. there were no camera's down here so he was good. we ran to the lobby and joined in with our class. "where were you guys" jakob asked. "probably jerking off somewhere" riley said. "helping set up chairs for the assembly" lily said.

i forgot we had an assembly today, the last school day of every month we have one. "is everyone alright!?" the principal yelled out. loads of people yelled stuff like 'yes' and that. "alright then, everyone can start heading in, starting with the 6's and ending with the 9's. that's what carsen meant when he said missing 20 more minutes. we were the last class to go in.

we sat down in math. "where were you three, y/n please don't join in with their sillies" she said. "we were helping set up the assembly miss" i said, following lily's plan. "alright then, I'll believe you this time" he said. we sat at the table near the back of the class. "carsen croff come down to the office please" the announcement system said.

"hopefully we weren't caught" he whispered. "if you were, wouldn't we have been called down too?" lily whispered back. "true" he said before leaving. "do you think he's in trouble lily asked me. "knowing him, probably" i said. "mhm" she agreed before turning around to dig in her rucksack. carsen came back and sat in the chair fast while pushing it back hard and scratching the floor a little, the math teacher didn't even care at this point. "just some stupid sheet I don't need" he put it in his bag anyways.

he took out his computer and searched up the tiktok website mid class, lily, him and me all secretly watched together. "carsen, do your work so we can go outside" jakob said. "how about no?" carsen said. "why not" jakob said "or are you saying it for a reaction"riley said. "I'm saying it so you can shut up and maybe learn something for once" he said. "hey! he is way smarter then you!" cayden yelled. "in math, yeah" carsen replied.

then the bell rang. "carsen get the hell out of my classroom" the math teacher said. "how about no?" carsen said again. it was phrased like a question, but it wasn't.

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