Running... Running...Gone?

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Your running, the cold air of the night is caressing your face. The moon shines bright on your face.

Your lungs burn and ache. you have to stop and lean on a tree. Your "luggage" or should you say backpack and electric guitar are fucking heavy and are weighing you down.

So thirsty, your so thirsty. You have been running for what seems like hours. Your legs are jelly and it hurts to stand.

'sleep, I need to find somewhere to sleep' you think

You search the forest for shelter, there is none. You try to build a tee-pee like thing with sticks and leaves but it fails. You are clearly not boy scout material.

You consider sleeping in a tree but that is both uncomfortable and impractical, I mean you could fall out at anytime, or get attacked by a rabbit monkey- ok maybe the second one is a little less plausible, but I mean it still could happen.

You finally decide on a little outcrop on the side of a hill/cliff like piece of land. It has an overhang that will protect your from rain and it is small enough that you would feel safe in it.

You use your bag as a pillow and try to sleep. The sound of the forest somewhat lulls you into a light and uncomfortable sleep.

You jolt awake. There was a noise near you, but you can't figure out what it was. It is pitch black out too, just perfect.

You lay still and quiet your breathing. What ever it is is observing you. You can feel it's eyes burning into you.

'great, just great! This is how I die!' you think panicking

'why did I run?' you ponder 'i probably would have been more safe at home than here' you think ' well if you could even call it a home' images and memories flash in your mind

'nevermind, I would rather be mauled by a bear than go back to that hell hole' you realize

Whatever is hiding in the shadows is getting closer, you can see is amber orange eyes glow. 'Wait...glow? Since when have eyes glowed?' you are so confused 'hell no, just eat me already!'

Suddenly whatever it is grabs your ankle and drags you out of your cave like "home"

"WAIT-WAIT!" you stammer kicking and trying to free yourself from it's grasp "NO STOP!! HELP! HELP!" you scream to no one but the forest.

Whatever has got you let's out a low growl and hits you over the head with its tail. Tail?!

***Time skip***

You wake up in a dark room, your eyes adjust and you can see that you are on a bed and there is a closet and a desk with a chair. You focus more and see your bag and guitar on the floor near you and some shelf's decorating the room.

You jump when the door suddenly opens. Morning light floods the dark room and you squint at the brightness.

A figure-no-person? A person emerges from the door and has a glass of water and some pills.

The figure is dresses in all black with a mask? 'what the fuck?'

"Good morning sleepyhead"

You stay silent

" I have some pain meds for your head and some of your scratches, I also have some water to help you swallow it."  He states

"T-thank you?" You say more like a question

"Your welcome" he says warmly " I will just leave these here" he says as he sets the pills and water down on your bedside table.

You snatch up the pills and swallow them with some water, you guzzle the water remembering your thirst.

"You get some more sleep, I will be back in a bit." He says and promptly exits.

***Word count: 630***

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