Music Man

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... sheet music?

'what the-' you think..the title read "cirice"

Odd name, you decide to set up guitar and try to play it.

You play the beginning notes, it sounds amazing. you continue the rest of the page.

You play it a couple more times and wish you had more. You search the  bookcase for more pages, no luck.

You decide to wander the long halls and corridors. There is a odd looking room at the end of one of the halls.

Your nosy ass decides it's worth looking. So your quietly open the door and flip on the light. It's a... practice room?

A fucking band practice room?! What type of demonic and satanic church has a band?!

Apparently this one, and this room if full of songs and sheet music, perfect, how convenient.

You decide to go and grab your guitar. You come back and set down the sheet music in a music stand. You tune your guitar to the right tuning and get started. Little do you know that the door didn't close all the way.

Your interrupted by someone clearing their throat, you look up to be met with angry amber eyes.

Oh no


"You know that the practice room is only sound proof when you close the door" he says grumpily

"Sorry I-"

He ignores you and just walks, or more like stomps, off angrily.


Papa comes shortly, double oh no

"I can explain-"

"No-no- just play for me"

"O-ok" you play the beginning of cirice

"Amazing" papa cuts you off. "We can get you into training, but in the mean time study your ghoul book" he says as he turns around and walks off

"T-thank you!" You shout, 'odd, this whole thing is fucking weird' you think 'everyone here is fucking weird'

You head back to your room and grab the book. You aren't exactly sure if you are allowed in that practice room or not, but you will probably avoid going in there again.

You flip to the first page, you read the intro. It basically explains what ghouls are, what purpose they serve in the clergy, and how they are summoned.

You read the first chapter after the into, it was about fire ghouls, wich have amber eyes, so that ghoul must have have been a fire ghoul right? Well it also talks about how multi ghouls, witch are ghouls that do more than one thing, can change their eye color. Cool

Fire ghouls are more aggressive and moody. They are somewhat skittish and most of the time, when they act aggressive they are just scared, stressed or overwhelmed. They are also more prone to mood swings and dispersion. Odd

They are also highly aggressive to unknown people that invade their space/home. That is probably why the amber eyed ghoul looked so pissed that you were in the practice room, that was probably a place he spent a lot of time in that you were invading, oops.

But just like any other ghouls they love trinkets and shiny things, that is one of the easiest ways to win a ghoul over. Noted, you should try it with a fire ghoul, I mean there has to be one around here somewhere right?

Fire ghouls also have a bad temper and anger issues, they usually turn their emotions into anger because it is hard for them to process emotions other than it. They are very territorial and protective of what is theirs and are often misunderstood.

You would love to meet one.

You were tired, there was more on fire ghouls but you were too wore out to read it.

You changed into some pj's and slid into your comfy bed, you contently drifted off to sleep.

***Word count: 635***

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