Nap Time

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You were shocked when dew leaned his head on your shoulder.  You could hear his soft and calm breathing

Your stomach filled with butterflies as he sat there. You were frozen, scared to move and disrupt the ghoul.

"Are your going to flip the page or not?" The ghoul mumbled in your ear

"R-right, my bad" you stuttered and flipped the page

A quiet "yea it is your bad" was grumbled before he went silent again.

He sat there contently reading and slightly purring.

You could feel your self get lulled by his warmth. You were fighting sleep. Yk like the type of shit where your falling asleep then woke back up, and it an endless cycle untill you finally just give up

Well that was what was happening, and you think dew could tell because he slowly took the book from your hand and shifted so that you were leaning on him. At this point you just gave up, fuck it.

You felt yourself be adjusted so that your head was in his lap. He set the book down and started to pet your hair, you quickly fell into the temptations of sleep and let it envelope you. You were surrounded by the fire ghouls warmth and scent, he smelled of ash and cinnamon, kind of like fall.

Dew sat there petting and combing through your hair with his fingers while he took in your beauty, where did they find a soul like you?

*** Bro I am so tired. I promise I will make it up to y'all. But goddamn, juggling two stories at the same time rlly be hard, like hard asf promise I will make it up to y'all tmrw with a linger chapter<3
Word count:300***

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