15. Vivat rex !

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"He moved his first piece of the chess board...."

The same night of the White lily and Metanoia :


"Did everyone arrived?", asked Lord Sigmund to one of the knights who led him to the council room. The knight answered, "yes, my lord. They are waiting for your arrival". They both quickened their steps to the council room. They walked through the dark hallway which was lighted by torches here and there. At the end of the hall, there was a door which can be seen and a guard standing outside of it. The guard saw both of them approaching, he gave a nod of assurance to the knight and opened the door. As they both entered the room, the Knight announced, " Lord Sigmund Liston of Liston family has arrived!". Everyone in the table stood as a respect except Lord Nissaris who was sitting near the Astrologer and Dhaniel Volderwaal. Lord Sigmund didn't care about it and took his seat that was on the opposite of him. All took their seats and the meeting started.

The elite table had Astrologer in the middle seat, Lord Nissaris, Lord Sigmund, the four Knights of Honor and the heads of the three classes except the Riserys class's head were surrounding him. All were eagerly waiting to know for what the astrologer called for this meeting. Astrologer without a delay, stood from his seat and started to say in a steady tone, " Today I have called for this council to discuss an important matter of circumstances." All eyes looked upto him as they heard 'matter of circumstances'. Everyone keenly listened. Astrologer continued with the same tone : " I am given an order by the universe that is..." with a brief pause, his eyes reading everyone's face and continued, ".....to establish Monarchy again in our Ukiyo". Everyone eyes widened in surprise. Monarchy, a powerful word, that has not been heard in Ukiyo for a very long time. Monarchy was abolished and the astrologer became the 'All in one' of Ukiyo. Ever since that for about two and a half century the people were listening to whatever he demands or says. Now the same Astrologer is suggesting to bring Monarchy back which did confused them and raised a question among them. Quinn Aeirion asked, "what is the need of Monarchy now? Did people of Ukiyo demanded a king?" The Astrologer answered calmly, " The need of a king has become necessary right now for Ukiyo. Ukiyo is going to face a danger as per universe's warning. To save us and lead Ukiyo into more prosper way, we need a rightful king". Everyone nodded looking at each like puppets. They were puppets. Their strings were invisiblely operated by the Astrologer. But soon they will come to know.

Lord Sigmund with a rise of doubts asked him, " so if we are about to establish Monarchy again, we have to choose a king who the people will accept. But who will be it?" Again all looked at the astrologer for the answer. They knew he would have chosen someone already. As their prediction was true, he said in a knowing tone, " I know. So I have already decided the one that the universe has assigned for us". Everyone looked eagerly. Who will be it? The Astrologer answered, " it will Lord Nissaris's third son, Vantae." The answer shocked everyone except Lord Nissaris. He was on moon that moment when he heard his favorite son's name rolled out of the Astrologer's tongue. Lord Sigmund got furious. He quickly asked in a raised tone, " How can he be the king?! Lord Nissaris already have a first son. It's been a rule that the first heir should be the king not the one who born last". Lord Nissaris answered in anger, " well first or last, He is my blood! If you don't like it. It's better you stay out of it!" Lord Sigmund gave a death stare. Anger boiled in his heart and revenge feeling burnt in his stomach. Rogan Lioneer interrupted Lord Nissaris and said, " Lord Nissaris don't think I am interrupting but what Lord Sigmund is saying is true. All knigdoms that has been in the world till now makes their first born as the heir to the throne. If Vantae was your first born he has all rights to be the heir. But you already have Agust being first in the line of succession. With a elder son, you can't make your younger the king". Lord Nissaris knows they were right. Giving throne to the third son when he has his first alive is something that will make a gossip around the known lands. Lord Nissaris drowned in thoughts until he was taken back by astrologer's voice, " Master Rogan, It is true what you are saying but we have to listen to what universe says. All this time until now the universe has guided as for only goodness. It's better we follow what the universe has ordered us". That was all. No one was able to say anything anymore. They all know the truth but they believed in the old man's words and couldn't ask any further. After some minutes, Lord Sigmund stormed out of the room in anger. Lord Nissaris drenched in happiness. Everyone sweared to make Vantae as the king. The Astrologer smiled to himself thinking everything is going according to his plan.

Continuation of Orsus:

As the moon and the stars shined brightly all over the night sky, Mochim stared at them as if he was searching for something in them. This brought back the memory of him and his sister's star gazing. They would sit in the top a tree and admire the stars. His sister would tell him stories about the stars. His heart pained as the memory flashed through his mind. Tears swelled in his eyes. But he didn't want to shed any. Pangi was sleeping beside him in tiredness. They both were very tired after a long journey. They will reach Ukiyo tomorrow night or day after tomorrow's morning. It depended on the obstacles they will face during their journey. They were resting under a tree as the night fell. Fire was lit infront of them to drive wild animals and creatures away from them. Despite of his tiredness, Mochim couldn't sleep. He was eagerly waiting to reach the city that took everything from him. He waited all these years, trained himself and waited patiently. All these years, he has been growing this red fiery fire of revenge inside his heart that kept him going on. In few days or soon, his thirst for revenge would be quenched. He would finally satisfy the revenge longing soul of his. But what after that? He had no idea. He knew very well that he won't get away with bloods in his hands that will mark him rest of his life. He have to live with the sin and blood of his anger but now he didn't wanted to think about it. As he stared at the stars, still tears in his eyes, Pangi got up sleeply and asked in a husky tone, " you have not slept yet?" Interrupted from his thoughts, Mochim turned to see his half unconscious friend looking at him. He shook his head as 'no' in silence and again backed his eyes on the sky. Pangi sighed and again laid down saying, " sleep Mochim, everything will go as it should be" and slept. Mochim hearing those words from his sleepy friend, laid his back on the trunk of the tree and rested his head on the root. He laid down, still not taking his eyes of the sky. As the stars shined,

Without his acknowledge, his eyes closed slowly and he drifted to sleep.

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