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Patrick Robinson broke in a sprint down the filthy alley, heading towards M Street North West. Jessica followed him while using one of her hands to cover her mouth. There was a strong foul smell of piss hanging in the air. Ahead, a grayish smoke appeared from the sewer lid. She felt the heat of the smoke, and felt disgusted by it.

Panting at the edge of the sidewalk, Patrick looked up and down the street, searching for a way of escape. The moment he spotted a taxi cab idling across the street, an eighteen wheeler truck passed by while blowing the horn, and blocking his view. Jessica arrived gasping for air.

"Come on, we are almost there!"

He grabbed her left hand, and dragged her into the street.

He caught commotion of vehicles skidding their tires, and wail of siren coming from a block away.

Then, he moved his eyes to a person that was rapidly walking in their direction. He was bumping his shoulder against the people in the sidewalk, and his eyes were locked on the taxi they were about to enter.

Something is not right that I can't quite put a finger on it.

Is he really from Winterfield?

A cloud passed over, and he narrowed his eyes in the afternoon sun. In the distance, the sunrays reflected on the glass of a building.

Patrick looked over his left shoulder and caught Jessica crossing the intersection. The driver of a black Volkswagen Golf squeezed hard on the brakes, stopping just short of her. Jessica's hands went down firmly on the hood.

"I'm so sorry!" She apologized to the driver. He angrily honked the horn at her.

She jogged around the Volkswagen, and approached the rear of the taxi. Patrick opened the door for her, and waited for her to get in first. Once he was inside, he slammed the door shut, and locked it.

"Where to?" The taxi driver asked while staring at Patrick then at Jessica through the rearview mirror.

Jessica glanced at Patrick, and returned her attention to the taxi driver, uncertain of what to tell him.

"To Georgetown University, please." Patrick nodded, filling in for her.

We are going back to Georgetown University?

Jessica furrowed her eyebrows, while fixing her green eyes on Patrick.

The taxi driver turned his head, and nodded.

He hit the taxi odometer on top of the dashboard, and took his foot off the brakes. As the taxi driver was pulling away from the curb, and into the right lane of M Street, a man approached the left rear door. His hands went straight for the door handle, and he pulled it towards him. But it was locked.

He saw Jessica through the glass of the rear window. Using the handgrip of his 9mm-semi automatic, he shattered the glass in one swift motion, and shards of glass fell on top of her lap. She covered her face while leaning across the seat.

Allan pointed his 9mm semi-automatic through the busted window, and the barrel approached Jessica's head.

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