Part 2 - Illusions

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I treaded carefully over the surface of what was once my unreachable dream. A distant hope for a new day, a glimpse of light at the end of the tunnel. Once it was my everything, what my entire life had been building up for. Now it was a broken promise. The longer I spent grazing my feet on this cold body, the more disillusioned I became with my existence, my choices and my mistakes. I finally got here, to the place I dreamed of seeing ever since I was remembered. Was this rock really worth it? Was everything I lost really worth it?

The sun blazed its way across my view, with its sunrays sparkling through the darkness, beaming with elation onto my blank face. I could feel the heat on my cold skin even through the helmet. It was trying to attack me, to force its way upon me, but to no avail. Attempts were futile, nugatory against someone whose veins overflew with cold blood. Against someone who's heart was torn, never to be fixed again. There was only me, nothing else.

"Woah check this! I can feel the sun!" the words echoed as I hastily turned right and left in despair. His voice, calm and filled with excitement as always, sounded repeatedly in my ears. The childish tone, the gonk way of speech. There was only one person I knew who talked that way, but it made no sense. It was impossible.

"David?" I twisted myself in disarray, knowing what I heard had to have been a delusion. A malfunction in my system that was playing tricks on me. At the same, the diminutive chance of him being here was a straw I was willing to grasp for. I walked puzzled, scanning every part around me, trying to make any sense out of it all. It wasn't possible, was it?

"Wow, it's pretty preem isn't it?" I heard him again, this time more distinctively, meaning I was getting closer. I rushed further away from the colony, from the civilization, towards the one place my gut told me to go to. The big crater in the distance. It was identical to the one we saw on the BD, it couldn't be a coincidence. My legs ached in pain as I pushed forward against gravity, yearning for just one more moment with him. I didn't ask for a lifetime, but one more single moment.

"David!" I screamed out, disregarding the fact that my suit was blocking my voice. He would hear me. If he was there, he would hear me, I knew it. As I approached the maar, a small yellow object appeared far in the distance. My vision was blurry, obscured by the surroundings, but I could tell it was a figure. A figure of a person wearing a yellow jacket. Without hesitation, I raced with all the rigorousness I had, kicking myself to my limits. It couldn't be a mistake, it had to be him. The closer I got, the more I recognized that all too familiar jacket, the one he always wore, the one I always leaned against.

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