Chapter 8 A Day Of Guarding (Part 7 of 8)

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"It's almost time... the day of the match will soon be upon me" I say calmly as I do some sit ups

The door to the room opens and in walks Roy along with Morton

"Hey Roy Morton good to see you both here for the day" I say to the two Koopalings

"You ready for your final day of being guarded and training?" Roy asks me

Standing back up I look to the two

"I'm ready I just hope Bowsette Bowser and Jr are ready for the match tomorrow" I say as I stretch

"Don't worry Dad Aunt Bowsette and Jr are more then prepared the only thing on everyone's mind is how well you will do tomorrow from all our training" Morton says

"Something I wanna ask though what will you do in terms of appearances" Roy asks me

"Hmm nothing really I'm just gonna put on my combat outfit for tomorrow's match and prove to the brothers that I'm still alive and well after their attacks on me"I say calmly

"Anywho let's go just follow me and Roy into the pipe and we will begin our training for the day" Morton says as Roy summons a pipe for us to enter

Entering the pipe we soon arrive at a basement of some sort

"Where are we?" I ask the Koopalings

"We are in the basement of an abandoned castle that no one ever uses anymore" Roy says

"Alright well how is the final day of training going to play out?" I ask

"For the first half of the day you will be going against Morton for your strike training after which the other half of the day will be spent with me" Roy says which I nod at

"Let's get started shall we Y/N?" Morton says as he punches his fists together

"Let's" I say as I punch my fist together as well

"And Begin!" Roy shouts as Morton and I charge at each other

Meanwhile over at Bowser's Castle 3rd POV

Bowser is handling some paper work when kamey koopa approaches the koopa king

"Lord Bowser" kamey says

"What is it Kamey?" Bowser asks

"The puffball and doll are here to see you shall I send them in?" Kamey responds to Bowser

"Yes send them in" Bowser says

Nodding her head kamey exits the room before returning with the two

Getting up from his desk Bowser looks at the two

"Mallow Geno..." Bowser says while looking at the two

"Bowser" the two respond

"So mind telling me why you both attacked the individual that my children are watching over and help train?" Bowser asks

"What are you talking about?" Geno responds

"Don't lie star I know from what two of my children told me that you both attacked the former friend of Mario and his brother" Bowser says

"Oh him well Mario told us that he is a threat to everything so we did what we do best" Mallow says

"You two are morons... Well it's a good thing I had my sister lend her recording of what really happened with Mario and his former friend" Bowser says as he turns a video screen to mallow and geno which he then presses the button to play the video

Mallow and geno observe the video before go silent

"And what does this have to do with anything?" Geno asks

"You stupid star! The one the brothers attacked doesn't have a harmful bone in his body! He always does the right thing no matter how dangerous it is!" Bowser shouts

Back with the three training

Several hours passed and Y/N has slightly increased his striking power

"Good Keep it up Y/N! Your getting better with your strikes!" Morton says as he throws a punch at Y/N which Y/N sends another punch at Morton

The two continue to trade punches as Y/N aims to improve his striking power

As the two trade punches the ground beneath them starts to crack

After several more hours the two stop their training which Morton congratulates Y/N on his improvement in striking power

"Good job you are done with Morton now it's time for you to train with me and don't worry I'll be going way harder during our training session so prepare yourself Y/N" Roy says as he readies his fists

"Let's do this Roy I have to be prepared for the match tomorrow" Y/N says as he also readies his fists

"BEGIN!" Morton shouts which Y/N and Roy rush at each other

At Bowsette's castle

"It's almost time for the match... I better inform peach Boosette and Chompette of the time for the match and inform peach to keep those plumbers in check" Bowsette says to herself before calling peach

"Bowsette?" Peach says from her side of the call

"Peach tomorrow's the match between myself Bowser and Jr against Y/N I'm calling you to inform you the location of where it will be happening" Bowsette says to peach via the call

"I'm right to assume I need to keep them in check when the four of you stand before each other right?" Peach asks from her side

"Yes that's right as I'm sure you know the brothers will be shocked and annoyed that Y/N is still alive which we both know they will do something stupid" Bowsette says

"You are right about that so what do you suggest I do?" Peach says

"I will have Kamek put a strong paralysis spell on two seats within the stands of where the match will take place you are to lead them to the seats so that they can't get up and attack Y/N" Bowsette responds

"Will I be told of where the seats are?" Peach asks

"I will have a koopa walk by and hand you a piece of paper with which seats are the ones you need to lead them to just put your hands behind your back and the koopa will put the paper in your hands as it walks by" Bowsette says

"Very well I'm guessing you need to call Boosette and Chompette to inform them as well" peach says

Bowsette nods before informing peach of where the match will be held after which Bowsette ends the call and calls up Boosette and Chompette which she informs them the location of the match as well

Back with Y/N (His POV)

"Alright that's enough your training is done" Roy says as he puts his arms to his side

"Right well I want to thank each of you koopaling for helping watch over me as I recovered and for helping me train for the match against Bowsette Bowser and Jr" I say to the two of seven Koopalings

"It's no problem all you need to do is take what you learned from us to heart and you should do fine in the match but let's return to aunt Bowsette's castle so you can rest for the match"Morton says as he summons a pipe for us to enter

Jumping into the pipe we arrive back at the room which Roy and Morton leave me in the room which I climb into the bed to rest for tomorrow's match


Shadow here with the semi final part of the guarding/training arc and I want to say that the next chapter will be quite a good one (I hope) for you all to read

Anyway see you in the next chapter and hope you enjoy this chapter

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