winter of wonders

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April, Mayhem and Donnie are in a snow war against Leo, Raph and Mikey.

While the two were together, something starts to melt inside them.


Donnie was hiding in the snow fort, he was cold of course, but he'd made a small fire to keep warm. While Mayhem was helping with the surprise attacks.

April showed up with some sticks and a thermos bottle that she had stolen from Donnie's brothers.

"Hey, look who's back!" Donnie said taking the sticks from April's arms.

"Man your brothers are very territorial," she said turning around, showing her coat full of snow, "look what they did to my coat."

Donnie gave April an understanding smile, and tried to help her brush the snow off her coat. She sat beside the fire Donnie had made. He sat beside her, pouring hot chocolate from the thermos.

"Haven't they given up yet?" Asked Donnie handing the hot chocolate to April "Don't they know if we're the winning team?" Said laughing.

"No. They haven't given up yet." April said, taking a sip of her drink "I'm already tired, I can't go on like this..."

Donnie looked at April confused, she might have walked away if she was so tired. He watched her drink the hot chocolate, his face turned a little red, April noticed the redness in his face but thought it was the cold.

"Okay now it's official. I'm bored." April got up and brushed off her snow. "You can come with me if you want."

Donnie stood up reflexively, April looked back and told her pet.

"Mayhem" The little creature looked up at his name being called "You're in charge, don't let any of them in here. Keep kicking their ass."The two walked away, preventing Donnie's brothers from seeing them.

"Where are we going?" Donnie asked.

"I'm going to show you something really cool!" April said taking Donnie's hand, he blushed even more.

Donnie's Pov

I was following April, my heart thudding against my rib cage. The hand April was holding had an unparalleled warmth, but it didn't bother me, in fact I liked it.

When she stopped leading me I saw a frozen lake, it was beautiful in fact, the look April gave her when her eyes hit the beautiful view. I swear I saw her eyes sparkle, in fact I thought it was really cute.
She pulled me closer to the lake.

"Come on D! Let's go ice skating." April told me excitedly.

To be honest, I was never a big fan of ice skating, but I figured it was just like walking.

"A-April I don't know if it's a good idea." I said trying to get her to think about the idea a bit.

"Let me think...." She paused "No. Let's go" She said pulling me."But April! We don't have the skates!" I tried to reason with her.

"I know, that's why I asked Shelldon to bring me a pair." She said to me with a smug smile "And I asked for one for you too. You're welcome." She said patting my shoulder.

At that moment I was quite angry that I had connected my contact list with Shelldon. I looked at her, April was putting on the skates, and I just swallowed hard. I took the pair my drone had brought me.

As soon as we were both on our skates, April pulled me out to the lake, she was able to slide easily, and I tried to follow her. I would say that for a first try I was doing well.

April laughed, her laugh warmed my heart, just seeing April slide by made me so much hotter inside. When she looked at me and showed her tongue my face caught fire..

She approached me, and said sweetly.

"Want some help?"

"N-No. I'm up so I'm doing fine."She took my hands again, and tried to help me somehow.

"First, your posture is terrible, second, I'll help you. But yes for a first time it's impressive that you managed to stand."So April tried to teach me to skate with her.

Third person POV

After Donnie managed to master the basics, which didn't take long, the two began skating together. April would sometimes hold Soft-Shell's hand to keep them in the same rhythm.

April started to get excited, and started pirouetting and jumping in the middle of the lake.

"Wow, I didn't know you were ice skating." Donatello said following her from afar.

"I learned it when I was a kid." She said concentrated.

"O'Neil, what didn't you learn?" He said in the midst of a laugh.

"Forgetting my crush on you I guess." She spoke quietly, but enough for Donnie to hear and an involuntary smile.

"Say what now?" He said approaching her.

When he got close to her he saw April's face, it was red, she couldn't look at him. Maybe it was his head or his heart that sent them at that moment, but Donnie cupped April's face and kissed her.

April's POV

When I felt Donnie's lips touch my mouth, I felt the shock but it was only for a moment. After that I let the kiss get the best of me. Donnie's kiss was gentle, his mouth firm and icy.

When he stopped and looked into my eyes, my heart, which was already beating fast, started to beat even harder.

"April... I like you too." He said shyly.

"I perceived." I said smiling. I smiled at him, returning the kiss.

He chuckle, why was he so adorable?

"You, sir, are very cold." I said playing with the buttons on his coat.

Only now that I realized he was holding me, he was so gentle that I hadn't even noticed the touch.

"You're freezing too, miss." He said sticking his tongue out at me "But lucky for you I have a special way of warming you up."

I chuckled as he started to place kisses on my face. I smiled and tried to pull away, but I couldn't.

third person POV

The two stood there, hugging and kissing, forgetting about the snow fight they were involved in.

Noticing their brother's disappearance, the three turtles went after him and April, but all they found was the two of them kissing and ice skating.

"I will be the best man." Leo spoke.

The two others just glared at him and Raph said.

"You can dream Leo... in your dreams."

The three, to Mikey's protest, left the couple alone, but surely they asked several questions about the matter.

April x Donnie - oneshots Vol.1Where stories live. Discover now