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Oneshot Synopsis: Donnie takes April to an amusement park, they have a revealing conversation while riding in the merry-go-round.


Donnie had managed to ask April to go on a date with him, everything would have been perfect if not for the problem it was: April didn't know it was a date. In other words, April had indirectly invited Donnie's brothers to come along. Which completely messed up all the soft-shell planning.

How was he going to make his plan to confess work if every moment he was surrounded by his brothers, if he proposed with him around it would create pressure for her to accept and maybe she wouldn't be happy or worse, she would say no and her brothers they weren't going to leave him alone.

The group of five was walking through the amusement park, April wore a yellow dress different from her usual, it was light and smooth after all it was summer vacation for her, the boys wore normal clothes, except for Donnie and Leo who wore similar hoodies and pants. They had found that park in the hidden city due to a tip from Sunita. It had several food stalls, people in characters, and several attractions, horror houses, roller coasters, among others.

They walked and looked for where to go, Donnie took a deep breath and pulled Leo close.

"I wasn't going to do that, but I'm going to ask you a favor Leo." The soft-shell whispered next to his 'twin brother' as he called it.

"Yes, Donton?" Leon said with a smug smile.

"I wanted to say what I feel..." he said nodding to April who was distracted and Leo responded with an 'oh' "And I won't be able to execute my plan if you stay around us."

"So you need me, your favorite brother, to take our brothers away from you and April so you can be alone." He whispered excitedly.

"Why did I choose you, really?!" Donnie said putting his fingers on the bridge of his nose, and then he looked seriously at Leo "If you tell them I'll kill you, you hear? I'll kill you Nardo."

"You haven't denied that I'm your favorite brother." He said walking back with the group that he had missed them.

"Where have you two been?" April asked smiling, Mikey was eating a candy apple and Raph was holding a teddy bear he had won in one of the games.

"Oh April, Donnie wanted to know if you didn't want to go with him to the horror house, since Raph won't want to go and Miguelito and I want to go on the roller coaster." Leo said with a smile putting his arms around his little brother.

Yes it was true that April wanted to go to the horror house, it was a delay that caught her attention, what were the monsters inside - bearing in mind that there was a yokai amusement park?

"Of course! I would love to go there, come on Donnie." He said taking Soft-Shell's hand and pulling him into line.

- Donnie's POV -

Why did I ask Leo for help? Leonardo! I was going crazy. I was screwed, not that I don't like things involving horror movies, my favorite monster is Frankenstein's creature, I say creature since the scientist is named after Frankenstein, not the monster. April still held my hand as we waited in line, the warmth of her touch filling my palm and rising to my face. Hoping I wasn't red I tried to distract myself by looking around, the queue took a while but when we entered the it was a little disappointing.

Even in low light you can see the animation on April's face, she has always been a fan of horror movies, the horror house was something like child's play for her.

"I think it's this way." She said letting go of my hand.

Horror houses weren't my kind of thing, the loud noise, the laughter and the fact that the light was blinking sometimes made me uncomfortable, at least no one could touch me. I think April noticed my discomfort because she took my hand. The monsters weren't scary, except for the part of the killer that took place in a laboratory with a chainsaw, this one took them both by surprise when he left the fence he was protecting, we both hugged in response trying to protect ourselves, then we laughed.

We both walked out of the horror house laughing at the costumes and the scenery, nothing scary just uncomfortable. She and I looked for my brothers but no sign of them. For once Leo was doing a good job, funny there really is a first time for everything.

"Dee! Dee!" I turned around or heard my name called by April, "Come on over there please!" She said pointing to the crossing that is called merry-go-round.

I shrugged and we went, the ride was almost empty, removing some couples and children. April got on the horse next to mine, it was amazing how that toy could support the weight of a mutated turtle. April was really beautiful, something that made it very difficult for me to be brave.

- April POV -

As soon as we left that dilapidated horror house, I noticed the merry-go-round, it was beautiful, with vibrant colors and white horses, in addition to the various lights that circled it. I wanted to walk there, no, I had to, it was extremely interesting for me. Donnie sat down next to me, he seemed impressed that it was holding up for him. Many couples started to get on the ride, which made me nervous.

'Calm down O'Neil.' I thought 'It's just a ride to the amusement park, no big deal.'

I looked to the side, Donnie was adorable, he noticed I was looking at him and gave me a akward smile.

He looked nervous, looking at his hands, the merry-go-round started to move something that made him nervous.

"Dee is everything okay?" I asked worriedly.

"Ah..." he turned around "Yes's ok..." He was a little red.

He took a deep breath.

"April, we have to talk." He wasn't looking at me.

"Did something happen?" I was nervous, fiddling with a strand of my hair that had fallen out.

"N-No...not exactly." he mumbled "How can I say this..." He took a deep breath which had me on the edge of my chair "April, you're my best friend, and I really like you." He said, turning to me, he was a little red "And I realized a little while ago that... I like you."

"I like you too." I said smiling feeling my face on fire.

"No, I don't like you that way." He said scratching the back of his neck "I like LIKE you." his face was red "I love you..."

The last part was more of a hit, but I managed to hear it. He was nervous and it showed. Maybe it was the Mary-Go-Round movement but I felt a little dizzy, it was the first and most perfect confession of love I had ever witnessed, it was lovely. I held his hands, and he smiled, he was my best friend.

"I love you too Donnie." I said, we were both quiet during the ride, but it was a good thing.

- Third person POV -

As soon as the toy stopped and the two left, they went to get apples of love and walked hand in hand, something so simple that gave them so much joy.

They found Raph, Leo and Mikey, the older brother had several stuffed animals in his arms and Mikey held one, Leo just smiled broadly when he saw April and Donnie holding hands.

"So it worked?" He whispered next to the soft-shell brother.

"Shut up Nardo." Donnie whispered with a forced smile on his face.

- Raph, Mikey and Leo POV -

Leo called the two to go on a roller coaster where Raph lost his huge teddy bear, then the three went to get food to calm the older brother while Mikey rode a cart bump bumps with Leo, Raph got more stuffed animals for himself.

Leo accidentally told Mikey what Donnie was up to, and made him swear on Splinter's life that he wouldn't tell anyone.

April x Donnie - oneshots Vol.1Where stories live. Discover now