Fight Your Own Battles

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We run until we find the truck. Matt, still alert, trots cautiously behind Haley and I. He stays in his wolf form, and every now and then I turn in amazement and just observe him. It's not everyday that you realize your brother is a wolf. I want to touch him, to see if it was real. I know there is no time for a petting zoo moment. After all, we were still technically running for our lives.

I wonder if Haley sees me the way I see Matt. He is beautiful, and creepy as well. He is unrecognizable. Everything about him is different, except for his eyes. His eyes remain the same bright blue, and it looks strange against his bright red fur.

When we get to the car, Haley whirls on her feet, and her hands grab my neck for support. "Wait. I need to tell you something."

"No, no." I say. "You can tell me when we get back to my house, okay?" I kiss her cheek, and push her towards the beat up old car. "Get in, and drive home. Matt and I are gonna run home in wolf form. It's faster."

Matt nods his snout, and then pushes his head under Haley's hand. I smile.

A movement inside the car causes me to flinch, and Matt realizes my discomfort. He growls, and Haley backs towards the car protectively.

"Matt! Matt, stop!" Haley presses her body against the driver side door of the car. "This is what I've been trying to tell you! I'm not alone!"

"You brought Rosie?!" I ask incredulously. Haley shakes her head. "It's not Rosie. It's, she's, she's an old friend...she's was just trying to help..."


I hear a muffled voice from inside the car, and gape as the door opens to reveal a beautiful young woman step out. I honestly don't know what surprised me more. The fact that Haley had a beautiful woman stashed in her car, or the fact that this said woman had a horrible scar stretching across both eyes. She stared dead at me, and even though I knew that she could not hear me it still sends a shiver down my spine.

"Caitlin?" Matt asks suddenly, appearing in his human form. "Hi." She replies.

Oh my God. This is Caitlin...

I feel the blood drain from my face as I look at the girl who had the other half of Haley's heart. I suddenly find it impossible to look at her, and so I put my head down. "We...we still need to go." I mutter. Matt nods his head, and looks up at the night sky. The clouds had given way to a bright full moon, and it gave off a spooky, eerie feel. I suddenly felt unsafe. "Get in the car." I demand. "Now."

I could smell him. His smell was everywhere. Matt gave me a terrified expression, and I heard Caitlin whisper a small little "What's happening?"

Shifting, I sniff the air more closely, and yip at Matt. We both knew it. Sean was here.

Haley buckles Caitlin into her seat, and then turns to face Matt and I. I try to act tough for her, but the fear is almost paralyzing. "What now?" She whispers. I whine, and press my snout into her stomach. She grabs my fur and leans her head against mine. I feel her tears running through the tufts of fur on my head. "Chris...I'm so scared..." I growl in reassuring type of way, as if I were scolding her for being afraid. I wanted to tell her that everything was fine. That she would be fine and that whatever was to come would only bring us little harm. I wanted to tell her that so badly...but I'm not one to make broken promises.

"He's not going to kill us here." Says Matt suddenly. "Not on a road, not in a public place."

"Can we wait it out till he leaves?" Haley asks hopefully.

Matt gives Haley a grim look. "No...Sean wont leave. He'll follow us until we're too tired to run any longer. We have no choice. We have to fight."


Hey guys. Sorry this chapter is short. its more like a time filler, or preparation for the next chapter, which will be extremely awesome may i add. Anyways, hope you guys are liking the story. X)

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