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Chris Pov.

One Month Later

"No, no, try again."

I groan, and throw a pebble at Matt. "I can't! It's haard." He frowns at my complaining, and says bluntly, "Again."

I grimace, and then put all my willpower into bringing Matt to his knees. In the center of my head, I feel a small pop, and I jump in surprise.


Matt rubs his temples, and then grins. "Hey you did it!"


"yeah, I totally felt it!"

At the moment, Matt was trying to teach me how to become better at controlling my weird wolf abilities. So far I was pretty sucky at it. Earlier I had attempted to shift without ripping off my clothes, the only thing I had managed to keep on was my left sock.

"Hey!" Matt breaks out into a grin as Haley walks into the backyard, guiding Caitlin with one hand, and holding Rosie with the other.

Caitlin let's go of Haley, and walks blindly to Matt's voice. He wraps an arm around her, and kisses her with a passion that seemed kind of unnecessary.

"Ugh, gross!" I laugh, "Keep it in your pants, Matt!"

They've been dating for two weeks, and it's weird walking in on them all the time.

"Keep it in your pants," says Haley, walking up to me. She grins as I lean down for a kiss. She puckers her lips, and then I avoid her all together and lean down to kiss a squealing Rosie's cheek. "Hey cutie."

Haley smacks my arm as I laugh at her. "You'll pay for that later." She whispers playfully.

"Looking forward to it."

I grin, feeling pretty satisfied as Haley blushes, and then put's Rosie down to go play with Matt.

"Come here," I say. She takes a step into my arms, and I give her a small kiss. "Better?"

"Not in the least." She replies.

"Well, then, I guess you don't want to sleep over tonight."


I grin, and kiss her again. "I'm only kidding," I say. "You know I'd never pass up a night with you."

Haley blushes again, and I can't help but laugh.

My mom appears at the back door suddenly, and smiles.

"Look at that." She says. "All the cute couples."

I smile, and Matt gives me a happy little look.

"Well, I, um, I have a surprise for Christina, and I want you all to see it."

I frown, and Haley grins sheepishly. She leads me into the house behind my mom, and I gasp as we get into the living room. There, above the couch was my self portrait, Wolf sketch. It was amplified, and framed. Huge and beautiful above the couch.

"I just loved it," gushes my mom, "Haley showed it to me, and it was so lovely, Chris, I just had to get this framed."

I smile, and hug my mom. "It's awesome, thank you." Haley also hugs me, and instead I go in for a kiss.

"It really is amazing, Chris."

"Thank you."

I smile, and suddenly Rosie comes bursting through the room. She stares at the painting in awe, and grins. "Doggie!"

We all laugh, and I pick Rosie up in my arms.

I looked around at Matt, Caitlin, Rosie, and Haley, and it was just amazing. I realized that I loved these people, every single one of them. I loved them because they created this feeling inside me. Like, I'm not upset with who I am any more. I'm different, but that's okay. We were lost, but...

We all saved each other. Caitlin was heart broken over memories. Matt hid a world of loneliness from his family, Haley was a run away from a haunted past, and me?

I was just lost in my head. I let myself miss out on the beautiful things in life.

And then Haley came, and suddenly the beautiful things were too big to ignore.

So, yeah. We were lost. But now we've found each other, and nothing is really as bad as it used to seem.

We were all happy.

We were all Free.

We were all found.


That is the END. OMG guys. Thank you for reading, you are awesome, and I love you, and um, like, enjoy the free pizza I guess.

No, really though, getting to the end of this is kind of a sad relief. I'm glad it's over, but I'm also sad, if you know what I mean. Also, mistakes were made everywhere, grammer wise, and other-wise, I know, but you can't really blame me. It was my first book, so.

Okay, wrapping it up now.

P.s, no free pizza, sorry!

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