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A/N: This oneshot is a continuation of the recreating their first hookup scene (6x05) and completely ignores the other scene. Thought it might be time for a more happy story. Also, can we appreciate how gorgeous Carina looked?

Carina's POV
As we reach the door to our bedroom, Maya picks me up in her strong arms. I put my hands on her biceps, moaning at the feeling of her strong muscles tensing. "Dio, sei così sexy," I mumble in her neck as I kiss it. "Ti amo tanto, mi amor," I tell as she looks at me. She keeps staring, it's like she is mesmerized.

After a few minutes of me talking to her in Italian, she says "Car, can I be honest with you?" "Of course, bambina, always," I answer her. "I didn't hear a word you just said. I was too distracted by your boobs," she tells me sheepishly, making me laugh out loud. "They look just as phenomenal as the first time we hooked up, if not more," she tells me, tilting her head at the last part. "Can I?" She motions to my chest, making me nod my head eagerly. She reaches out to cup my breasts, squeezing each of them in turn. "Did they get bigger? They look and feel bigger than I remember" she says, as she looks up with wide eyes. I put my own hands on my chest and feel their weight in my hands. "Maybe? I don't know?" I say, trying to think back.

"Does this mean you might be pregnant? Should we do a test? I think we still have a few in the bathroom. Maybe the bedroom too," Maya says, as she starts running around frantically like an excited puppy. It's adorable. I go to grab her by her shoulders, "Calmati, bambina. You want to find out?" I smile at her. "Yes, yes, yes" We go into the bathroom and I grab a test out of the drawer, opening the package. As I get ready to sit on the toilet, I notice Maya is still in the room. "You're gonna stay right here, aren't you?" I tease her, making her blush and nod her head. She turns around giving me at least some privacy as I pee on the stick. "Okay, I'm done," I tell her, sitting the test down on the counter. Maya immediately pulls out her phone to set a timer as we go to our bedroom to wait.

At first, we sit in silence. Maya is deep in her thoughts and I let her. "I think I should call Diane," she says softly. " I want to be a better wife to you  and hopefully a better mother too. I've tried it my way for months now and it's clearly not working. I've been thinking about it a lot, but I'm scared," I can hear the vulnerability and honesty in her voice. "And that's perfectly normal, mi amore. I will be right here with you, every step of the way. For better or for worse, remember?" I tell her, holding onto her hand. She smiles her soft smile at me, the one I haven't seen in months. The team calls it the 'Carina' smile or the captain 'heart-eyes' Bishop smile. I pull her in for a sweet kiss, pouring all of my emotions into it. Maya doing the same.

We are interrupted by the alarm on Maya's phone going off. She groans, grumpy from having our make-out session interrupted, before realizing what it means. "Are you ready?" She asks, reaching out her hand to me. I nod my head and we walk back into the bathroom, stopping at the door. I can feel my heart beating fast inside of my chest, my wife's heart probably doing the same. I reach out a shaky hand to grab the test, keeping it turned over. Maya puts her hand on mine and together we turn it over.

At first, neither of said a word. The reality of the situation sinking in. Then all of a sudden we both jump up and down in each other's arms. Two stripes, there are two stripes on the test. "We're pregnant!" I yell out excitedly, pulling my wife in for the biggest hug of my life. "We are! I need to call Diane. Get an appointment as soon as possible. Are we telling the team? Your friends? My mom? Or are we waiting?" She rambles, I shut her up with a deep kiss. "That can wait. First I'm going to fuck you until you can't walk anymore and then some," I tell her seductively. We spend the rest of night making love to each other. Taking a few breaks to hydrate and talk about what we're gonna do. We decide to wait until the first trimester is over, as it is the most critical. It's almost morning, when I finally pass out from my umpteenth orgasm with a content smile on my face. A shaky legged Maya not far behind me.

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