Form + My Character(CLOSED)

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Nick name:
Love interest:
Usual clothing:
Biggest fear:
Smarts: ?/10
Violence: ?/10
Dumbness: ?/10
Looks: ?/10
Loudness: ?/10
Supportiveness: ?/10
Negativeness: ?/10
Optimistic-ness/Optimism: ?/10
Rudeness: ?/10
Clinginess: ?/10


1. Taken - (Me)

2. Taken!

3. Taken!

4. Taken!

5. Taken!

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7. Taken!


Name: Georgia Blake

Nick name: Hates nick names

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/Her

Sexuality: Bisexual

Appearance: Light skin with a few freckles, pale hazel eyes, shoulder-length curly blonde hair, pimples dotting her forehead and a strange, paw-print shaped birthmark on the back of her neck, which she usually keeps hidden.

Love interest: None rn! <3

Height: 5'2

Strength(s): Tech stuff

Weakness(s): Running, baking

Usual clothing: Black shorts, a white short-sleeved shirt with a small hole in the stomach, white socks and red and white sneakers.

Biggest fear: Dogs(big AND small)

Personality: She is quiet and shy to new people, but once she knows them, she is outgoing and crazy.She loves to laugh and smile, and is quite pretty.She can be a little bit slow to understand things, and sometimes oblivious, but she is also very smart and reasonable.

Smarts: 8.5/10

Violence: 4/10

Dumbness: 1.5/10

Looks: 7/10

Loudness: 5.5/10

Supportiveness: 8/10

Negativeness: 5/10

Optimistic-ness/Optimism: 5/10

Rudeness: 4/10

Clinginess: 4/10

Backstory: She was born to a man, his wife and their two other children, Zac and Maggie.She was abused and treated horribly all her life, up until she was ten.On her tenth birthday, she ran away to her Grandmother's house and stayed with her.No surprise her family didn't miss her.When she turned twelve, a month passed fine, but she suddenly saw her Grandmother drop dead in the living room, due to a heart attack.
She was then sent to an orphanage and stayed there for four years.Finally she was shipped off to the house.

Other: She stills thinks about her abusive family to this day, and feels uncomfortable around people named Zac or Maggie.

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