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Earsplitting booms thundered in the distance and rain poured down hard, drenching the earthy soil.The trees swayed, threatening to collapse, and a small form raced through the woods, legs moving so fast they were blurry.

A murder of black birds sat in a tree, watching the girl as she ran, crowing loudly at her as if to tell her she was in danger.But was she?

The teenager tripped over a root, falling forward.She cursed under her breath, which the crows heard, of course, and stumbled to her feet.
She glanced through the forestry and spotted a blur running by.

"Wait! Hello!?"the girl yelped, brushing her knees off quickly and giving chase, though soon lost in the cold darkness of a wood.

A little ways away loomed a huge house, the windows boarded up and the door slightly ajar.The shingles rattled ominously, and the path of stone slates were upset and uneven, easy to trip on.A small black cat slithered into the house, tail crooked at the tip, and let out a soft meow, its woeful noise echoing through the large, empty building.

The girl from before gasped, holding onto her gut as she raced for cover.She tripped twice on the stone, but steadied herself right in time.She was aware that she was not alone in there as she dropped on the floor in the building, but she didn't care.

Water dripped off her clothes, which consisted off a long-sleeved purple shirt and star-patterned black tights.Her earrings glistened as they dried, a few droplets rolling off them.

Her brown eyes flickered over to a blob in the far corner.A cat.A pretty black one.It had a bent tail, and was missing an eye, but it only made Zitara love it even more.

She held out her hand, beckoning in a soft voice, "Here, kitty, kitty...Come here."

The cat slowly made its way over, but right before it reached her, the door was slammed open and the cat vanished, the rapid pattering of paws against creaky wood indicating it had ran up the stairs.

Zitara turned, eyes wide, and spotted another human shape standing before her, water dropping and pooling around their feet.

"Hello?"Zitara frowned, standing up. "Who're you?"

"Hazel,"the girl breathed, wiping her brow with a hand. "You?"

"Zitara,"she replied instantly. "Have you seen any others? I thought I saw someone run in here."

"I saw them, too,"Hazel nodded, gazing at the stairs. "They must've went up there."

"Hmm,"Zitara hummed thoughtfully. "I wonder how many people will wind up at this old, creepy place."

"Probably only us."Hazel shrugged, heading for the stairs.

Zitara followed. "Yeah,"


A/N: Okay, so I'm excited to get this started! This prologue is short, but I just wanted to cover a little bit on how some of the characters got to the 'house'. Georgia shows up in a car a few days later, possibly along with Iseri.Liz, Nyx and
Vivienne idk rlly know? Someone ran in the house before Zitara went in, but idk who.Still working some things out.
Please, feel free to give feedback, advice or anything, I really appreciate it.

Hope you enjoy!

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