Chapter One

47 2 13

Georgia's PoV~


I ducked my head, stepping into the old house.It wasn't dark inside, as me and a few of the others had gotten the lights working, which was good.
Iseri, Vivienne and I had tried our best to find supplies in the woods, but we hadn't been very successful.

"Well, at least we were able to find an empty water bottle!"Iseri grinned, tossing the dirt-filled bottle in the air and catching it.

"Would you please stop doing that?"Vivienne huffed, snatching the water bottle from his, despite the false wounded look on his face.

"Hey, give it back!"Iseri whined, stealing it back and dashing up the stairs, which groaned and creaked in protest.

"We really need to get this place fixed up,"I sighed, ignoring their little argument. "But without any wood, supplies and stuff like that, how can we?"

"It's not like we'll be stuck here for long, is it?"Zitara asked, walking down the second set of stairs, that were less creaky.

"Not sure.We were left here, or came here free will, so...?"I shrugged.

"Well at least you've got some changes of clothes,"Hazel sighed longingly, riding the railing down the stairs, which to me, looked extremely dangerous. "I've only got two outfits!"

"Well I packed a bag full of all my belongings, which isn't a lot, when I left the orphanage."I lifted a dusty blanket off of an armchair and sat down.

"Hey, guys? I got the oven working!"Nyx yelled out from the kitchen.

"Yay!!!"we all screamed and hugged and hive-fived, pretty much looking like idiots.

"We can cook stuff!"Hazel pumped her fist in the air. "Like, good food!"

"Hey, you're scaring Starler with all your ruckus."Iseri pointed to the shivering black cat that was leaning towards the door, as he walked down the stairs.

"Awww, come here my precious,"Zitara bent down, extending her arms.Starler raced over and clambered up and over Zitara's back, perching carefully on her left shoulder.

"Anyone know where Necromancy is?"Vivienne piped up suddenly, voice soft.

"No."I responded immediately, glancing around.

Starler let out a meow, then leapt from Zitara's head to a little hole in the wall.
The cat disappeared inside, then returned with a raven clamped loosely in her jaws.She leapt down, set the raven down and purred, licking its beak.

Necromancy hopped up, letting out a shrill call.It hopped over it Vivienne, who bent down, and jumped, flapping its wings for a little propel, then landed on her head.They both walked upstairs.

"Ummm- we have a problem..."Nyx laughed nervously, appearing in the kitchen doorway.

"What is it?"I walked over and followed xem into the kitchen.She pointed to the stove, which looked fine, other than a bit of rust.

"Huh?"Iseri tilted his head. "Nothing's wrong with it."


A puff of smoke wafted up from the stove, then disappearing in the air.A few moments later, another did.

"I think something is wrong with it, but from the inside."Nyx frowned, placing a hand on the stovetop.

"Well, we have to try to figure it out.Have you tried opening the oven and looking inside it for anything?"I placed my hands on the door handle.

"Wait, don't-"

The handle snapped off, rusted chips falling onto the ground.I winced, holding it up.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2022 ⏰

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