4.1 (7) Starbuckanese- Braydon

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She stops mid sentence.

She widens her eyes once she realizes it's not quite Mrs. Williams.

"Did I come at a bad time?" I ask.

"No no not at all," she says while shaking her head. "No. So what can I help you with today?"

I hadn't gotten that far yet. I didn't have a reason to be here, actually. I just had the urge to see her again, her energy something so contagious.

"I'm sorry. That was rude," she says apologetically.

It's my turn to shake my head. "No, that was my fault. And that wasn't rude at all. I just came to tell you that Gloria absolutely loved the flowers. She insisted I come and let you know her gratitude. So, on both our behalves, thank you, Harley."

That may or may not be the truth.

True, Gloria loved the flowers. True, she told- no demanded me to thank her for a job well done.

However, I think she meant over the phone. At a later time. Not in person and not at the first moment I was finally back in town from a meeting three hours away.

Her cheeks turn a pale pink, her head ducking down quickly. Her light brown hair creates curtains, covering her face from my sight so I don't see her blush. "I was just doing my job. I'm glad she was happy with them. Were the instructions nice and clear for you Mr..."

"Braydon. Braydon Madrias."

"I mean, you know my name is Harley Sansson. Well maybe you didn't know my last name. You do now. I might've told you- well actually no because I was gathering flowers rather than talking like I am now. I tend to be more professional. Not that you're any different than other customers- well not that you're not-"

I clear my throat, feeling the smile on my face. I want to laugh at how cute she is, but I feel she might take it the wrong way.

"Right. Sorry."

"Please. Stop apologizing. I'd let you know if you were bothering me," I tell her, ignoring how fucking soft my tone is.

"Right sorr–" she cuts herself off with a sheepish smile.

"So I was thinking that maybe, if you'd like, you could join me for a coffee sometime?"


I sound like a fucking school boy right now with all the maybes and likes I've been throwing around.

I should just fucking turn around and leave.
I haven't dated since sophomore year in high school and that doesn't count considering I wasn't even my full height yet.

I was fine without a fucking relationship for six years, I can survive six more.

This pull I feel should be enough to send me running. Yet, my feet won't fucking move.

"Well, I-" she cuts herself off once more.

I cock my head to the side, seeing hesitancy on her face.
"Well, I'd love to, Braydon. Maybe Tuesday around 2:30?"

I wonder what she was originally gonna say.

I smile at her, only now realizing how nervous I actually was.

Didn't think I was such a pussy.

"Sounds good. Can I see your phone for a moment?"

She pulls out her phone, handing it to me from across the flower counter without asking any questions, avoiding the cup of pens to ensure they don't knock over.

I swipe up the screen, surprised there's no password and type in my number. I text myself to get her number inside my phone as well before handing her back her phone.

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