[Chapter Three] {Week 2}

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Wow it's been one whole week in this cave. I've spent enough time in it I'm comfortable calling it me and Solis' home. I looked at Solis with a smile. He's been learning to talk too, no more squeaks or clicking noises. Hopefully I'll be able to have conversations with him soon. Then I might not feel as lonely. I looked out of the entrance to the cave, my territories no dragons dared to go near my cave or forest. The two Lux dragons probably warned them. My eyes winced at the idea of being feared, it helped me but it didn't feel very nice.

Unfortunately to the far left of my forest territories was a kingdom, if they found me hunting and followed me back to the cave... Knowing humans a whole lot of adventures or knights looking for glory might try and slay or capture me. I shuttered at that idea. I sat down going to check my stats now. The screen appeared.

Name: Nigris

Species: Umbra Dragon

Age: 2 Weeks
Lvl: 19

HP: 1500/1500
Atk: 400
Def: 250
Sta: 100,000/100,000

Talents: [N/A]

Skills: [5/10 Fire-breath] [4/10 Shadow Breath] [2/10 Shadow Cloak] [6/10 Venom Bite] [8/10 Stat Seeking] [2/10 Dragon Mind Manipulation]

Titles: [Reincarnation] [The Future Alpha]

I still have no idea what the future alpha title means... It doesn't matter right now anyway. I exhaled before checking Solis' stats.

Name: Solis

Species: Lux Dragon

Age: 2 Weeks
Lvl: 7

HP: 450/450
Atk: 40
Def: 30
Sta: 1000/1000

Talents: [N/A]

Skills: [2/10 Icebreath]

Titles: [N/A]

He's getting stronger. But not strong enough sadly, he still isn't strong enough to fight medium level creatures alone. I blinked down at the forests. Maybe I can bring him along for my next hunt. I thought. "Solis, do you wanna come hunt this time?" I asked, he immediately perked up. "Yes!" He squeaked scampering over excitedly. "Stay close to me and run when I tell you to. Alright?" I instructed him. "Okay!" He responded leaping on my back.

I smiled before flying up and gliding down above the forest's trees. I looked for any easier prey to attack, I spotted a party of humans and stopped eyes narrowing. Their getting braver, exploring my forest that is. I thought growling. Do I risk killing them all with Solis here? If I leave them more will come, kill my prey, maybe discover my cave or me, capture or kill me and Solis... I can't let that happen. With a roar I landed in-front of the human party, their was four of them. Easy prey. "DRAGON!" One shrieked.

I inhaled using [Fire breath] all of them dodged out of the way. "One of you keep it still i have an idea!" One, a female ordered. Two nodded and ran at me, I swatted one away with my claws with ease, I was distracted. While I swatted away one the other used [Ice manipulation] to freeze my feet to the ground and freeze my mouth shut. Solis jumped off my back and cowered behind me. Unable to move or efficiently attack them one of them stepped up to me, it was the female. I growled through the ice in anger.

"Shhh, I'm no danger to you dragon. We are here to help you. You and your... Other dragon can come with us. Too our kingdom, it'll be safe there." She explained stepping closer to me. "Be careful Agmine." One of the others warned. "It's alright, I'm a Beast Tamer, the passive ability should work and calm it." My eyes narrowed. Lies. Lying through her teeth. Their going to use me for something. But I don't have a choice, do I...? I reluctantly pretended to be calm, after my feet were unfroze I followed them.

They surrounded me and Solis in a circle each ready to attack me if I tried to escape or attack. I was stuck. I'm regretting attacking... I hissed, we were coming closer to the dreaded kingdom. We stopped at the entrance. "Open the gate. We have something to show to the king." The one they call Agmine called. The guards inside's eyes widened as they opened the gate with haste. I heard some whispering things like; "They caught a Umbra Dragon! If the King decides to train it we could be the strongest Kingdom in the war." One said "Yes... We could win this with an army of dragons..." Another whispered.

...What?... A war?! Their going to force me to fight in the war?! I heard Solis' frightened squeak behind me. I wish this stupid ice wasn't on my mouth, I could comfort him. Or Atleast try too... We walked through a large village, on a path that went through huts filled with people. As we went along more saw us and we're either in awe or ran inside in fear. "Can we have some back up?" One of the human party around me asked a group of guards as we went past. The guards surrounded me too. Now I definitely can't escape...

We came closer to a palace in the heart of the village. Agmine went inside telling the group of humans to stay here with me. We waited for a long time. Until Agmine came out followed by a large man, covered from head to toe in jewellery and royal looking clothing on his head was a crown. "Is this the dragon you speak of?" The man said, I guessed already he was the King. "Yes King. He's an Umbra Dragon too. We can use him in the war." Agmine explained. "Hm. Alright send him to the training grounds, to the private area. Send the best trainers you know there. They should know what to do." He ordered. "What about the baby?" Agmine asked looking directly at Solis. "Separate them. But keep it alive, we could also use it." The King said.

I growled pushing Solis closer to me he squeaked confused and scared as the humans tried to grab him. I was ready to attack when I was knocked out. I woke up in a stable like place, it was reinforced so I couldn't attack my way out... Solis was no where to be seen. The ice was gone from my jaw now. I roared trying to break free from this odd prison. I'm trapped... Solis is gone... I fell to the ground saddened and fell asleep.

A human opened the door to my stable, I glared at them. They came in and put a chain leash on my neck and pulled me out. It was time for my first training session wasn't it...

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