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Liza knew what her decision was.

She knew, whether or not she tried to fight it- she would be on Tony's plane by his side. Now, she needed to face what-and who- came with that realization- Marco Soberano. Nervousness controlled her body; despite repeating to herself the future steps she would take, she found herself wandering off into different hallways in her father's mansion. As she rounded another corner- she bumped into Pedro, who seemed just as unsettled as she was.

"What are you doing here?" They both question at the same moment. Liza laughed shortly, looking at her bigger younger brother, "I'm glad I saw you actually.." Pedro had left her for years now, but she still couldn't help the guilt rising at the thought of leaving him the minute he was home. Pedro smiled, "It's okay." He knew his sister well. Too well. "Go. Be with Tony. Leave Marco to his own masses. I'm leaving soon as well so I just came by to get some stuff from my old room." He informed.

Liza's eyes burned. Since when did the chubby little kid she took care of turn into such a man? Now that the next time they would see each other was into the unknown, it suddenly came to her that this was what her life would come to. Just her and Tony.

Pedro pulled his sister into his arms, squeezing her close to him and burning this memory into his very core. He never wanted to forget his sister's scent or the feel of her caring embrace. Liza had basically raised him after the passing of their mother, and he knew she deserved to be the happiest she could be, having faith in Tony to keep her safe from his dangerous lifestyle.

Letting her go after a few moments, Pedro watched as she wiped away tears that were threatening to fall, and he told her exactly what she needed to hear. "Don't be afraid of Marco, Liza. It's time for us to have our own lives, okay?" Liza nodded. She was thankful that Pedro was as supportive as ever. "I hope you'll come visit me in Miami. And invite me to the wedding." Pedro laughed, "Knowing Tony, soon I will be in Miami for your wedding."

Liza smiled, stepping into her brother's arms once more- praying to god that he remained safe and came back to her in one piece.
Tony stared at his watch for the hundredth time that day- the cloud of anxiety over his head seemed to enlarge by the passing minute.
His jet was waiting, his bags packed and ready to go- but he could not find the strength in him to leave his heart in Spain. It was ironic; the same men who'd witnessed him do unspeakable things are also getting the opportunity to see him at his most vulnerable; his heart on his sleeve.

In the back of his mind Tony knew there was a chance that someone was waiting on a window like this; his guard was down and his mind was far. There would be no better time to die, he thought. But not before I see her face.

"Boss.." Carlito muttered almost sympathetically. He grew tired of watching Tony drive himself crazy over this woman. He was Tony Montana; well known Drug Cartel Leader and Businessman- a woman of all things was the worst weakness he could have.
Tony nodded at him, signaling his leave (much to Carlito's relief).

Tony felt like a fool for hoping she would drop everything she knew for the past few decades to come with him and be a housewife. He finally understood that she would just have to remain in his heart, and he would love her from afar- just as he'd been doing for the past few years.

Just as he slid on his shades and stepped away from his sofa- the telephone rang. Tony immediately retraced his steps and picked up the phone. "Yea?" he tried to not let his anxiety show.

"Tony?" To his relief, he heard Liza's voice. "Antonio? I'm coming with you. Okay? I'm gonna leave my condo now." She assured, trying to mask her shaking voice.  "What changed your mind?" He was waiting to receive a clue of any kind that she was in danger. "Nothing." She answered quickly, forgetting who she was speaking to. "Meet me at the front of the airport okay?"  Tony wanted her in sight the minute he could. He knew that if she was coming, he would not be leaving Spain without spilling blood. And from the tone if her voice, somehow Liza knew too. "No. I'm coming to get you."

"I love you." He added quickly so that she could not disagree, whilst hoping that with those three words she would understand what this meant for them both. "I love you, Antonio." she answered back immediately, releasing a shuddering breath before hanging up.

Tony could finally take the steps out of his condo. "Let's go!" he walked briskly to his car. "Get some men there before to secure the airport area. And I want a dozen men behind me. Marco Soberano won't let me leave here so easily." he ordered to a disapproved Carlito. Tony refused to risk losing Liza as he was just getting another chance with her.

Slipping on his shades, he watched as they departed from the familiar palm tree-lined road he'd grown accustomed to seeing everyday. At last, he would be getting to be truly happy.
"I'm sorry Miss." Riccardo's voice echoed through Liza's living room, as she was struggling to close her suitcase. Stunned, she spun around, gripping the handgun she held in between her clothes- concealed from his view. "I'm not allowed to let you leave with Mr. Montana."

Tears filled her eyes. Riccardo had been by her father's side for years, she shouldn't be surprised that he took Marco's  orders without hesitation. "Why? Don't you understand Riccardo? Look at what my father has you doing- threatening his own daughter. Why are you trusting a man who would spill his own blood?" Riccardo blinked boredly, not a thought in his mind. He knew she was right, which was why after he finished her off- he would be taking Marco's head next.

"You give me that gun, Eliza." he demanded, finally raising his to meet her eyes. "Now." He stressed, slowly removing the safety. Liza let her tears fall. They don't prepare you to have a gun pointed at your head in medical school. She could only close her eyes and cry in despair- hoping that Tony arrived before Riccardo followed through on his threats.

"I never wanted to hurt you, Eliza." Riccardo started, ignoring her sobs. "You're like a daughter to me..." he took a step closer. "Then please, let me go." Liza whispered, hoping to stall a bit longer.  "I can't." he answered loudly. "I won't have anyone of your bloodline around much longer."

"Why?" Liza spotted movement outside her window. She tried to hide her relief- she knew she had to keep riccardo speaking. "Why?" he scoffed. "You damn Soberanos.." his villainous speech was cut short by the sound of the door bursting open, causing him to spin around-spitting bullets as he did so. Liza dropped to the ground, covering her ears from the loud sounds. A second later, Riccardo dropped in front of her- bleeding from the bullet wound which was lodged in his throat. Liza screamed out in agony- watching him choke on his own blood.

Instantly, Tony was by her side. "Liza.." he called out, standing over her curled body. "Come on.." he grunted, hauling her off the floor and out the door, not looking back once. "My things.." she managed to choke out. Only when she looked down did she realize she was still holding her handgun. "Don't worry." Tony assured, gently prying it from her hands and passing it to his man in the passenger seat. "You're safe, okay?" He turned back to her, cradling her face as he tried to wipe away her tears, whilst checking hurriedly for any injuries.

"We have to warn Pedro." she answered blankly, holding onto his hands which laid in her face. "He was confident in killing us all." she explained, her blank eyes darting from every corner of the car. Tony nodded grimly, pulling her into his arms and kissing her head. He couldn't tell her that they had already gotten to Pedro...

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