The spy the science girl and the war

7 2 0

London UK


 Feb 6th 2119


"Sup Az," Grace said smiling at him as she sat down with him at the library Azure glanced at her, "I told you to stop calling me that its unethical" Grace rolled her eyes as she pulled out her notebook "Can you pass me a piece of paper?" Azure asked her Grace nodded and Azure started writing down he handed it to Grace "Agent Kyle wants us back at HQ for a briefing" Grace lifted her head after reading the note, she balled up the paper and threw it at a table with the daily newspaper and took off her glasses then she stood up and held her glasses at an angle she slowly watched the paper burn she turned to Azure and nodded, Azure quickly packed up his stuff and stood up with Grace as they walked out of the library towards the parking lot they got inside Azure's white SUV he turned on the car and pushed a button his radio his entire front part of the car transformed into a highly modernized computer station the drivers area was turned into a desk with computers and a comms area the front passenger seat was turned into a mission briefing area with access to a weapons wall and the back was sealed off with a wall with the MI6 logo he set the car on autopilot, it hovered for a moment then he shot out of the sky, he typed in his computer "Welcome to the I.D.H (Intelligence Database Hub) the computer system said. Azures comms system rang "ALERT CALL FROM AGENT KYLE MOON" he pushed the accept button a hologram screen popped up in the middle of the 2 seats in front "Greetings agents Azure and Chloe as you may know I am expecting you at the MI6 public headquarters but there's been a change of plans, you need to redirect course to The Burrow effective immediately your being transferred right NOW!" Chloe typed in her computer then stopped "Agent Kyle neither of us have clearance level to be there, were LV. 5 the burrow is LV.3 we'll be stopped as soon as we get there," Agent Kyle sighed "Which is why we're  promoting you to LV.3" Grace and Azure both looked at each other "Your new I.D badges will be at-" the hologram screen glitched Agent Kyle looked at them "Did you guys-" the hologram glitched again Grace looked at Azure again "It must be our altitude that's messing with SHIELDs radar," Grace said as she tried to reconnect "Do you know why we're being reassigned for the briefing to the Burrow?" Azure asked, "Not sure...could be some political problem?" Azure agreed when all of a sudden 2 I.D cards popped out of the cup holder area but they weren't LV.3 they were LV.1.

Azure and Grace didn't say anything to each other. Azure remembered to his academy days where they taught him the 1 tip ever "The MI6 works in secret if they leave a mistake, they left it on purpose" Azure looked at the badge with his face and information on it "BEEP BEEP!" Azure's comm sounded again it wasn't a call it was a message "MI6 HAS FALLEN" Azure stopped the car mid air Grace gasped "It must be some joke right?" Chloe said worriedly. Azure looked at the floor. Thats when they heard "SHOOOOMMMM! BOOOM!" Azure looked around "ALERT ALERT CRISIS MODE ACITVATED NOW FLYING TO THE SAFEST MI6 CLANDESTINE BASE FOR LV.1 HIGH PRIORITY AGENTS" Grace's eyes widen. There was a missile headed their way. Azure gasped  Grace started panicking "WERE GONNA DIE!" Azure touched her shoulder "CALM DOWN PANICKING WONT MAGICALLY DISSEPEAR THE MISSILE!" Grace faced the missile as it got bigger and bigger, closer and closer. Azure could feel Grace's body shaking from the panick "Im taking over" Azure said as he switched the car out of autopilot he set the GPS for The Burrow he turned up the speed from 50MPH to 150MPH Grace was shaking but thats when they saw. The rain of missiles from aircrafts falling down. This wasn't some mistake this was a war and they were at the center of it. All of it

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