Chapter x One

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You sat up in your bed, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes. You looked out the window, and the sun was just rising. You stood up and walked to the bathroom. You washed your face, and took a shower. Once you were out of the shower you got dressed.

Then you grabbed your knife and some pepper spray for the 'just in case'. You were ready for the day, ready for anything that came at you. You walked outside of your apartment and into the elevator. You had big things today. The Hunters Exam.

<>——————The x Hunter x Exam—————<>

              You arrived at the designated location after some trouble being able to find it. Walking in, a little green man gave you number badge.

          Number 77, very lucky in your book. You saw a small crowd of people, and walked into it. You certainly saw some interesting characters in that crowd. Though, most times, the people who stand out the most are the most powerful. That was something you had already taken note of.

          You stood there for a while when a man with brown hair, dressed in a sky blue vest came up to you, offering a soda. You took it from him, wanting to be polite. He watched you, hoping for you to drink it. He really wanted you to drink that soda. He had introduced himself as 'Tonpa'. A nice name you suppose.

           You then heard a man behind you start screaming, so you turned around. Flowers. You didn't know what had happened, but the man's arms were turning into flowers. It seemed to have been done by a man with pink-ish hair, a very slim waist, and a teardrop and star painted under his eyes.

Note: Don't get him pissed off.
        After that, the first stage began. And it was running. Pretty easy so far, but you disliked running. Still, knew that this was going to get a lot harder. The examiner had introduced himself as 'Satotz'. Another nice name.

      You noticed that the pink haired man had seemed to make a friend. It was a man, very tall, with purple hair, and quite a lot of yellow-gold pins poked into his face.

       You felt odd, or out of place there. You needed to make friends. A little boy with greenish-black spiked hair was running a few feet away from you and you took it as an opportunity. You slowly inched your running towards him, and once you were around 2 feet away from him, you asked for his name.

   "Gon Freecs! It's very nice to meet you!"
Very outgoing, a kind soul. you thought.

          "And your name is?" he questioned.
  "Oh, pardon me. My name is Y/n L/n Sorry for not introducing myself earlier."

       You both talked for a while before you split up and continued running separately. You had learned that he was from a place called Whale Island, and that he was 12 years old. You made yourself an ally. About 10 or so minutes later you turned around and saw that Gon had already made another friend. You weren't surprised, he was very extroverted and very nice. He was the type to make friends very, very easily.

         You had been running for quite some time now, and you could sense that you were nearing the end of the tunnel. You watched as Gon raced with his friend up the stairs, sprinting past everyone.

        You had seen the light of day, finally. Once you made it up the stairs, you were slightly, just slightly out of breath. You wanted to find Gon, but there seemed to be some other commotion going on. There was a man, who was dragging a dead guy who looked very similar to the examiner. He claimed that he was the real examiner and that the one standing before us was a monster taking someone else's appearance.

         If he was a monster, he would've attacked us in the tunnel. unless.. unless he was waiting until he was outside of the tunnel in order to be able to call his friends if things went wrong. Though, this is the hunter exam, I don't think they'd let something like this happen.

         But soon enough, the man from before, the flower man, threw a card at both of the men. the one who was claiming that he was the examiner was impaled, and Satotz caught the card before he could have the same fate.

        At this point, it was quite obvious who the real examiner was, so that issue was dealt with. Though, you were inclined to talk to that pink haired man, or flower man as you called him.

      You decided that you'd do it later. You needed to focus on the exam right now. As Satotz explained how this would go, you decided to make your way towards him in order to stay on track. To not get lost.

      He started running. Great. It was even more running. Although, since you were near Satotz, you wouldn't get lost. It was very easy for that to happen if you weren't on top of things.

         While running, you noticed that there were a lot of people going missing. Including flower man.

         You frowned at the thought of him being dead before you could talk to him, but, you didn't actually expect him to be dead.

A few minute later Satotz stopped walking, stood still, and waited for more contestants to show up. You assumed that this must be the end of this forest.
Soon after Satotz stopped people started piling into a group. Guess they found their way back. You thought.

      You leaned your head back, looking at the sky. Then you heard some clicking. You looked up and saw the man with the pins standing in front of you.

     <>————-Chapter One End————-<>

Thank you so much for reading! This was a very fun chapter to write, considering it was the first chapter. I hope you enjoyed! <33

                            Word count: 1004

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