Chapter x Two

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You looked up at him and he just stared at you. You watched him sit down next to you, his movements creating creaking noises.

Must be from the pins. You thought.

You looked over at him and he looked at you.

You decided to speak up.
"Hello. Uhh.. And your name is?"

You waited a moment before hearing a deep voice.


"Your name is Gittarackur?"


That's an odd name. You thought.

You nodded slowly, turning your head forward. You watched the people slowly crowd together, seeing some familiar faces find their way back.

"And your name is?"

You jumped slightly, hearing Gittarackur's voice next to you. You turned your head towards him, and he was already looking at you.

"Oh, yes, my apologies. My name is
Y/n L/n. Forgot to say that before"

"That's a nice name. Y/n.. I like it." He complimented.

"Thank you, yours is nice as well."

You watched him turn his head away from you, looking back at the group of people before you did the same.

Gon came up to you after a while and asked you to come meet his new friend. You looked at Gittarackur and stood up, explaining that you were going to go meet Gons new friend. You waved to him as you walked off as he waved back.

Gon led you into the crowd and walked to a boy around his age with white fluffy hair.

I wonder what his hair would feel like.

"This is my new friend Killua! Killua, meet Y/n, Y/n been Killua!"

You waved at him and he waved back. Just then, Satotz guided us to the next phase, where we saw a woman with bright blue hair, and a man sitting next to her. They go by the names of 'Menchi and Buhara'. Very nice names.

They explained that you had to get into groups in this phase. You looked to find Gon, but soon found out that he already had a group. You got embarrassed, not having any other friends to group with. Then you remembered.

Gittarackur! You had talked to him a bit. You looked around for him and soon found him with the pink haired man. You walked over to them and asked if you could join their group, to which they complied.


Once you joined you started looking for one of the pigs that you were supposed to hunt down. You watched as Gittarackur started throwing pins at them.

Very cool ability, nen induced pins.
You thought.

You started watching the way the animals acted. They were very protective of their heads, and you took this as a sign. You then stood still, letting one run at you. Right before it hit you, you jumped up and landed on its head, knocking it out.

"I got one!"
You said as you dragged it back to the land reserve.

Once you dragged it back, you started cooking it, adding different seasonings. You wanted it to taste the best that it possibly could. You know, in order to pass.

You finished, placing it on the plate with other vegetables surrounding it on the plate. It certainly looked appetizing.

You brought it to Menchi, who you guessed was the judge. You set it on the table in front of her. Watching her as she took a bite, her face seemed confused. She took another one before passing the plate to Buhara, who ate the rest of it in one bite, enjoying it thoroughly.

Her face was still confused. She opened her mouth to say something, but closed it just as fast.
You couldn't tell what she was thinking.

"It tastes ok... I can't tell if i should pass or fail you. But, if I don't absolutely love it, then you fail. So, sorry but you're done." She shrugged as you walked back to your table and sighed. You failed.

You heard as she yelled at everyone else, mostly because their food was charred. People started complaining, understandably.

You looked up, hearing a man's voice boom through the air seemingly coming from the blimp in the sky. You looked up at the blimp along with the other contestants and soon realized that the man was confronting Menchi about failing all of the participants.

She decided to give you all a second chance, to which you sighed thankfully. You found Gittarackur again, and he was with the pink haired man again.

You all got to board the blimp as you flew to the second destination. It was boring, in that blimp. You decided to find Gittarackur again, he was interesting and kinda awkward the last time you talked to him.

You soon found Gittarackur in a room with flower man. You knocked on the door and heard a 'come in', so you opened the door and stepped inside.

You said hello to Gittarackur before sitting next to him.

"And what's you're name?"
You asked flower man.

"Ohh, my name is Hisoka~ And I presume that yours is Y/n? What a lovely name. Gattarackur here has told me little about you."

Woah, very... uh.. You didn't know.
He reminded you of how you thought a pedophile would act towards a little girl.

A while later, Hisoka spoke up and said,

"Oh, it's so lonely over on this side of the room. Y/n how about you come join me?"

"Uhh.. sure?"

You stood up and walked over to his side of the room, sitting on the seat next to him. Then he
put his arm around you.


You didn't stop him though, just sat there, extremely uncomfortable. You pretended like you didn't care, but, I mean, you did.To break the tension, asked both of their ages.

"I'm 24. And Hisoka is 28." Gitturackur responded.

"Oh, I'm 24 also."

Hisokas smile widened and his grip on you tightened. Then, thankfully, the speakers announced that the blimp had arrived at the next part of phase two.


<>—————-Chapter Two End—————<>

     Thank you so much for reading, and thanks for sticking around this long! I'll probably be updating this book pretty often around this time, so i'll keep you all updated. But thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

Word count: 1045

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2022 ⏰

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