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"I can't believe you're making me go to this stupid shit." Travis scoffed as they pulled up to Neil's house.

Neil was a pretty wealthy guy because of his family and he gets a good education and job.

"You'll have fun T! I promise!!" Phillip smiled widely and elbowed Travis.

Travis shook his head and slightly laughed. "I fucking hate you so much Phillip."

Phillip chuckled and turned the car off. Travis listened as the engine stopped. "Cmon T." Phillip got out of the car and Travis dragged himself out.

They walked into the house and many other people were already there. Travis saw a glimpse of blue hair. He shook his head and followed Phillip like a lost puppy.

"Dude, go do something fun! Stop following me!" Phillip laughed and grabbed a red cup that Travis assumed was beer.

"Do you think he would have alcohol?" Travis eyed Phillip and his eyes widened.

"You, Travis Phelps, like alcohol?!" Travis scoffed and walked into the kitchen since they were close to it and he saw it. Phillip followed him.

"Phillip I know he does, where is it?" Travis turned around and stared at Phillip and he shook his head.

"Good thing I'm driving, huh." He opened a cupboard and showed Travis the alcohol.

"What? You told me to have fun." Travis laughed and grabbed one that he's had before.


Travis got bored of hanging out with Phillip for like 20 minutes so he left and started walking around. While he was just walking around he expected to run into one of Sal's stupid friends but instead he ran into him.

"Woah- Sorry- Wait, Travis?" Sal tilted his head as he shouted over the music and looked at Travis.

"Uhh, yeah?" Travis awkwardly looked at him and shrugged.

"I didn't think you would be here!" Sal smiled under his prosthetic.

"Phillip dragged me here!" Travis rolled his eyes and Sal laughed.

"What is that?" Sal stepped closer to Travis to look into his cup but still couldn't tell.

"Oh, alcohol?" Travis awkwardly laughed and Sal stared at him.

"Really? I didn't expect you to be the type to drink like that!" Travis nodded and Sal continued to stare into his eyes.

"Oh, right! I was looking for Larry, did you see him?" Larry scratched the back of his head and Travis noticed his hair was down.

"No, but your hair is down!" Travis smiled and Sal messed with his hair.

"Yeah.. Larry wanted me to change my hair style so I left it down. Do you like it?"

Travis could feel his face get red. "Yeah, it's cool. Better than the pigtails." He shrugged and took a drink out of his cup.

"Anyways, I better go look for Larry. I'll see you later Trav." Sal waved and walked away. Travis continued to walk around.

Travis knew he was bound to run into Sal's friends but he didn't expect all of them.

Larry caught sight of Travis and scoffed. "The fuck? Why's he here?!" Ash and Todd turned to look and they shrugged their shoulders.

"Todd can't Neil kick him out?" Ash looked at Todd and he shook his head.

"He hasn't done anything wrong. Nothing to kick him out for." Sal walked back up to them from the bathroom.

"What are you guys looking at?" Sal tilted his head and Larry pointed at Travis.

"We were wondering why he was here." Todd cut in before anyone else said anything rude about Travis.

"Oh." Sal shrugged and stared at Travis. He then realized Travis was talking to Phillip.

"Just so you know they are all totally staring at you!" Phillip laughed and Travis groaned.

"Of course they are." Travis glanced at them out of the corner of his eye, and they were all in fact, staring at him.

"What time even is it?" Travis looked back at Phillip and he shrugged.

"Probably like 2 or something?" Travis yawned right when he responded.

"Ready to go, T?" Phillip smirked at how tired Travis clearly was and Travis nodded.

"First let me get rid of this cup." Travis glanced over to Sal and his friends and he threw the cup towards them.

He didn't know where it was going to land, but it hit Larry in the face. Travis started bursting out laughing and ran off. Phillip ran off with him.

"You're fucking stupid!" Phillip laughed as they ran out the front door.

They continued to laugh the whole way back to the car. They could see Larry at the front door shouting at Travis but they were too busy laughing.


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