The First Trial Ch.7

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The stage was set for our first survival test.

In this session, each of the twelve participants with worthy ranks will have to compete in a challenge that was designed to defeat you. Apparently, Mr. Brad had the rest of the answers so asking him now would be pointless; however, right now, I was wondering what was in store for myself when it came down to it.

Yuta Whitefall, a member of the aristocratic household that live to protect the glory that is the Altheas. As I've heard from father, they possess the onslaught force of a humanoid but they also
have their own unique skill that is unknown to us not associate with the family.

Mr. Brad raises the remote in his hand and calls to Yuta, "Ms. Whitefall, when I press this button, the test will begin. Good luck to you."

"Yes, sir." Yuta says, and again, her confidence was unwavering in the face of the first test.

When Mr. Brad pressed the button, the androids raised their weapon towards Yuta and begin to fire what looked like small pellets of rubber. I was on the edge of my seat watching for what was about to happen. In a blinding motion, Yuta raises both her arms in front of her and a glowing shield of light forced the pellets to bounce away.

The dome of energy was so concentrated like she was taming the structure at will.

"I'll hack them easily!" She voiced while raising her arm to the machines dramatically; I guess she was indulged in the moment. Whatever she planned to do to the androids, it had better be quick.

"If this place is designed to outclass us, then there's no way that we'll be able to succeed with our usual tactics." I heard Ryatt comment.

Nobody responded to him and continued to watch with expectancy. Yuta had already stolen the show under our noses. The leading shooter of the android squad had stopped targeting Yuta and turns around to betray his mechanical brothers. The rest responded to the dysfunctional bot and aimed their weapons.

In the end, the bots had sent each other to their demise. Yuta was left standing alone, victorious and glamorous.

"Good work out there, Ms. Whitefall, you performed exactly the way I expected." Mr. Brad compliments her skills while jotting down notes.

"Thank you, sir." Yuta responds with a small smile.

After she finished showing the rest of us up, I still couldn't understand what had happened and was confused. "So, did the robots just malfunction or something; they were working fine in the beginning?"

"Are you really that callow about the knowledge of your peers? I expected better from the Chaos Prime leader's son." Someone decided to voice their opinion and that idiot obviously didn't know that hearing that was a pet-peeve of mine.

I turned around sharply to the woman standing beside me. She was right here the whole time and I didn't notice. She was a humanoid, that's for sure, but she was taller than most of the women here.

The woman's hair was golden like the sun, and there were three bangs that nearly shielded the right side of her face. Her peachy skin color was very attractive but what threw it off entirely was the stigma around her concealed eye. That was probably the purpose for the bangs to hide it; no offense but it did look weird. She wore the same uniform that was required for the females. I refrain from checking her out or else it'll become a misunderstanding so I brought my scopes back to her chestnut eyes to comeback with aggression for her statement.

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